Games where I can play as monk (unarmed build)?
Games where I can play as monk (unarmed build)?
Other urls found in this thread:
i hope he attains wizard hood. women are the devil!
diablo 3
world of warcraft
Bard's Tale.
if she is not careful he is going to show her his snake style if you know what I mean
bumping for enlightenment
Games where I can play as monk (Bo Staff)
Fixed your thread OP, you're welcome.
Really liked how monk played in Pillars of Eternity
diablo 3
skyrim (khajiit+unarmed bonus on gloves)
Torchlight 2 I think has a monk class
Baldur's Gate
Legend of Grimrock 1
imagine a big disgusting White man cooming in her from behind.
fuck I need to go back and finish that game so I can start the second one
I wish I could unplay legend of grimrock 1 so I could replay it for the first time again. such a good game
why are women like this?
Because they crave for attention
What a life.
Final Fantasy I
He died purer than any men in heaven.
It's actually one of the better builds in the game. And what's more is you can fucking punch and ninja kick people's fucking limbs off.
Jade empire
The desire to corrupt is a condition that infects most of humanity, user.
Jade Empire, it was one of the best classes in the game.
VF4 and 5 with Lei-Fei
what a disrespectful little shit
imagine what a great life he had
But what did he coom to
Sounds fun but every time I trued Kenshi either I got stuck being poor or doing 24/7 courier missions or trading and then becoming poor again after eventually getting my ass handed by bandits
might and magic rpgs have monk class
Why the fuck is there no martial arts game where you go around the world learning techniques to prepare for the world tournament?
Wizardry 7, monk or ninja