2020... I am forgotten

2020... I am forgotten...

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as it should be

Fuck em all up the ass

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2020.. I am never getting released

They shot themselves in the foot by making it cuckshit

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that is the objective

Fucking this, nothing made me want to not play a game than reading all that faggotry

I assume FOW doesn't give a shit if everyone forgets, so long as Patreon retards forget to unsubscribe.


>full release yesterday
>it has 3 sex scenes
>scammed everyone

don't give money to patreon

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How ever do you mean is it just a cuckold sim?

>We will never see rowdy farmgirl Tina get railed by a horse
>We will never see Mai Shiranui get broken by a multitude of monsters
>We will never see Samus get overcome by the denizens of a spaceship and fucked into oblivion before being eventually vored...
Why did they do it, Zig Forumsro's?

this is reverse cucking tho.
was advertised as NTR shit, instead was a small romance game


all porn is cuckshit user

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NVM I read the bio it's cuckshit.

Artbook supposed to come out this month

>tfw Adam left the IRL podcast
I will we ever see him spin the UFO again?

>porn game
>patreon scam
a timeless combo
now kneel to your superior

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play gud and you wont have to deal with cuckshit

cuck shit aside, this is just xcom + mass effect aesthetics right? it can't be all that bad right?


>3 scenes
You have to be shitting me, even the shortest fucking games have at least 10

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Has there ever been a successful porn game?

uhh coc1 maybe?

>expecting studio FOW to be timely
>expecting a porn maker to be suddenly able to crank out a video game on top of their animations
Yeah no

What's stopping porn companies from making porn games? Surely they know that 3D/2D shit is getting more attention than normie porn nowadays, if some japanese coomers can make decent games with great art, what's the problem?

demo released 3 weeks ago, promising a lot of different things.
yesterday the game had a full release and it has only 1 scene more than the demo

i think they wasted everything in shitty voice acting

Henteria Chronicles

I only fap to my own imagination. Feels good man.

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I'm sure there have been plenty that had a small budget and got enough sales to make a small profit.

>Still no update
at least it's free

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>posting dead games

The あせろら games are pretty successful.

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nobody hear can read mexican go back to brazil you loaf

Why are eops always so angry?