Should I buy Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate? Valstrax looks cool but I'm not sure if I'll be able to transition back down from World...
Just emulate it
It runs better than XX on Citra
Ryujinx has local multiplayer too
Yes. From what I've heard, people don't have much of an issue transitioning from world, unless they're genuinely bad and carried by world mechanics.
Yes, the ammount of content is ridiculous, also there are still people playing, we just had a thread yesterday.
last i heard it still struggled to reach 30fps on yuzu
is it actually good now
GU is just as easy as world up until the max level deviants. The biggest barrier transitioning to the game is getting used selecting items if you were using the new item wheel option they added with world.
You can play it on citra with HD textures and the official localization, i don't know why anyone would think it's worth it to run it on yuzu at this point.
I want to play online and Citra online is dead for the majority of the beginning
GU’s early game is shit, but if you stick with it, you’ll be rewarded with the best monster roster and some of the best fights in the series. There’s easily enough content to keep you occupied until Rise and maybe find new favorites, plus there’ve been a number of anons who just started thanks to the recent sale you could party with.
>cuts based entries in 4u to make room for garbage filler like the dromes
can't think of a single good thing that was removed other than dalamadur. most of the rest were shitty variants.
GU’s main problem is the ridiculous amount of filler. I hope you’re not a completionist because even village 2* level has like 5 pages of quests.
The controls aren’t that hard to get used to unless you’re playing IG.
It runs really well, even with the 60FPS patch, although my toaster PC can't handle that so I stick to 30FPS and undocked mode
Don't listen to he's way behind on switch emulation updates
On console, you can also download the free item packs to massively reduce grinding.
Anybody know what the "Times Used" stat means on equipment loadouts?
any tips for picking styles? I'm kind of in uncharted territory to begin with since my usual favorite, gunlance, doesn't feel good to use with the heat gauge management, so I'm also trying out new weapons. should I just stick to guild style and call it a day?
>I'm not sure if I'll be able to transition back down from World...
Well be sure, because anyone who says GU is that different from World needs to get their fuckin head checked.
It's pretty much just Proto-World with a few of "Classic" MH's inconveniences. Some moves are missing from weapons (or in some cases, moves from World are exclusive to Hunter Arts or certain styles) but overall if you're familiar with World you'll be familiar with GU. The only thing you might have to get used to is the fact that tutorials have to be read instead of listened to, so don't skip text boxes in the early game. Also remember to bring whetstones.
Also resource gathering is a bit more of a pain in this one, but there's a bunch of DLCs that load you up with a crapton of free resources, enough to let you coast straight into G-Rank, and if you're gathering at a healthy rate on the way there it really isn't an issue at all.
I don't understand why people act like GenU is as hard to get into as fucking Freedom Unite, it's really not.
it's just a shitty mistranslation, all it means is how many skills you have active
Stick with Guild or Striker until you're stuck with a weapon, then experiment with Valor/Adept/Aerial
Alchemy is also fun, but it really only shines in multiplayer
It’s more of a transition to the side.
Understand that the reason why World is controversial in the series was that it made steps forward in some directions and leaps backwards in others.
Nice graphics and open environments barely justified butchering menus and the quest system.
guild is the vanilla style, so you can if you want a more traditional experience. aerial is usually memes, adept/brave are often too strong, striker tends to either be busted or terrible, and alchemy is often gimmicky but can be fun to mess with.
the only real tip is just try them and see what you like
valor is fucking obscene on some weapons though
>gunlance, doesn't feel good to use with the heat gauge management
You don't really need to manage heat once you get enough hunter arts. For example, one of the arts does a full burst into the air, and this full burst can't overload your heat. Then, it immediately does a quick wyvern's fire, locking your heat.
pierce valor hbg
every other style and weapon is ultimately pointless
Guild style has all of the weapon's moves and 2 hunter arts
Striker style has some moves missing but the core ones are still there and you have 3 hunter arts that charge faster
Aerial style gets easy mounts and is extremely effective against chicken-legs monsters like Cephadrome. Very helpful in multiplayer. Just remember to manage your stamina.
Adept style is the "don't take damage" style; your roll now has a shitton of i-frames, and gets even more i-frames if a monster hits you during it, plus a counterattack
Valor style is another don't-get-hit style but doesn't require you to move. But beware chip damage.
Alchemy has a bunch of crazy buffs that your buddies in multiplayer will love you for
I personally prefer Adept. I like being super-mobile.
Generally, it'll go like this regardless of the weapon:
>Do 1 or 2 hunts in Guild first, as it's the same as normal, but with 2 Arts available; you can hunt totally fine with it after if you really like this setup
>If you really like Arts, move to Striker, but learn what moves you lose when you go to Striker and see if the extra Art is worth giving those up
>If you have a good grasp on the weapon and don't care about having more than 1 art, move to Valor (takes longer to get attacks out but you're somewhat safe doing them and in Valor mode you really start doing damage) or Aerial (for many weapons it's a support Style that gets easy Mounts, but for Heavy weapons like GS/Hammer/SA you can actually do crazy damage with it)
>If you care more about supporting the team online, learn Alchemy
do guild quests in GU scale with the number of players on the hunt?
>I'm not sure if I'll be able to transition back down from World...
World was my first and I played 4U after which is even older. It's the SAME FUCKING GAME, the additional QoL stuff barely changes anything.
People crying about how World killed THE SOUL of the series are fucking dumb. Consumable pickaxes and crafting books, because that's where the SOUL was stored.
This, i have been playing since FU and I don't miss wasting malachite to make a pickaxe that breaks, etc.
>muh consumable tools
why is this every single worldbabs main argument
>Consumable pickaxes and crafting books
Because that's really one of the bigger qol changes.
Nice wall of text amigo
Still wrong tho
GU has the best version of Fatalis hands down
It's no 3U or 4U but it's an actual Monster Hunter game without
>clutch claw
>insta-usable and infinitely restockable max potions
and with an absolute metric fuckton of content
so it's a must buy
If you can't feel the difference with the movement you're insane. Playing SnS or DB without being able to reposition after every attack makes a huge difference. GS is basically a different weapon centered on combos now too.
>muh clutch claw
Solo arch tempered behemoth then if you're so good
Oh wait you can't