What went right?

What went right?

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going for the coom is always right

Kasyrra aaaaaand that's about it

It didn't. I don't remember a single point that gave me the same value as Bunnyegglayer.

Needs more futa

Donovan companion when?

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Also Elthara

literally nothing yet
there's little hope since this game is another patreon money milking scheme that will be dragged out until the paypigs stop providing

Needs actual NTR

When do we get a purify the succubus and turn her into a romantic housewife route bros?

And also keep the horse cock.

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a game about curruption with all kind of fureshit but no demons.

Hopefully never
My character is a 0 corruption demon slayer who cucks Kas by slamming kitsune pussy all day long while giving that demon bitch none of my attention accept when I’m trying to kill her

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The first one was better

Futa mommy demon who wants to impregnate you and turn you into their wife

>Big Titty Cowgirl
>Breedable Fox Milf
Just need some purification of the main demon chick, and banging the witch and i'm good

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I used to agree but the first one is honestly so fucked up mechanically and it has shockingfly few characters to interact with now that I think about it.

>What went right?


The madman. He actually made another thread.

I need to find and lovingly fuck Cait's sister in front of her until she is pregnant.


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different op

can't blame em, last one hit the post limit

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For your benefit

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Cait's corruption route will be her becoming a chaste housewife.

Cait’s corruption route will include actual ntr to dab on the fags that kept crying cuckshit when Cait turned out to be a slut rather than a genuine love interest

The corruption route will make her grow a futa horse cock and only want to claim your buttocks for her own.

The twink rabbit if they'll ever let us fuck him
Lusina if they ever do more with her
Garret, but they need to make him a companion already


fuck the devs for being bunch of pussies and not doubling down on the fetishes that made them popular to begin with

>What went right
Lady Evergreen
Etheryn, Etheryn, Etheryn!
Berwyn (When he gets full sub)
Harem Cats
Arona's replacement (Orc Blacksmith Tomboy)

>What went disastrously wrong
Countess being unfuckable
No goblins
No Corruption (Yet)

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You can add (Yet) to goblins too

You forgot
>Harpy Wingleader is somehow not either a companion or a permanent lover

Elthara is great though we better get more of her especially since they teased preggo content

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Does the big chocolate Harpy mother even appear after her first scene?

I forgot about the Harpy
Some of these girls have good potential, and yet CoC2 is full of futa furfags

No, and it's a travesty

WTF it's been like an hour since the last one

Nothing. It's garbage.

How can one person have such a awful taste like this?