>You are the chosen one.
You are the chosen one
Name 50 games that do this.
I'll wait.
literally every JRPG
>You are not the chosen one.
I'm still waiting on those names.
Dark souls
>You are the chosen one but from a different prophecy from what you thought originally
The lore clearly states oscar is the chosen undead, not you.
>The villain is the chosen one.
>think you're the chosen hero who will save the world
>find out you're the destructor who will bring ruin and destruction
>go along with it anyway
>You are the villain
No, you really are the chosen one
>you are gay
No you retard
dark souls isn't "you are the chosen one" though, you're one of the other hapless bastards that gets sent to the asylum with all the other hollows
>the only thing that makes you special is that you get to reload at checkpoints
>game acknowledges that you're an extremely lucky individual
Yeah okay, Frampt.
The Longest Journey.
Are there any games where the chosen one dies and you are random guy or girl who takes their place?
Prove to me that you are the chosen undead and we'll talk, okay?
You're just a standin for Oscar. A nobody. Now cop on.
And what do you think the prophecy states?
can I fuck that shark
>game can't decide whether or not loading at checkpoints is canon or not, brings a ton of ludonarrative dissonance upon itself
fucking memelands
The one thing i really liked in Oblivion is how it didn't do the chosen one thing as often as Skyrim did. I mean, you're literally helpting THE chosen one, and get to be pals with him. That's fuckin awesome.
Compare that to skyrim, where you're chosen to be the buttbuddy of a bunch of princes, the dragonborn, the prophesised one of every guild, and so on.
Really got grating. Neither are particularly good games, though
>You are just a rando
I cringe each time I see games that try to imitate your common 20 year old as the main characters in the game instead of unique characters.
>antagonist is the chosen one and you actually spent the entire gaming fucking everything up
Dark Souls 3 is sort of like this, except the "Chosen One" (Prince Lothric) rejects his duty instead of dying.
>A nobody
Can a nobody no-clip through a giant faggot's hammer just by flipping a bunch of times?
Thought so, you bitch. You got nothing.
what games do this?
Yeah it's jarring when a game decides to half-commit to a canon respawn mechanic. Actually insanely annoying.
Hades does it perfectly.
what's the most mundane "you are the chosen one" you can think of?
Like, still chosen one but for such a mundane task.
>Son, you've been chosen to take over the family mechanic business.
>Enough people have died that you're the designated replacement
well any harvest moon style game is "you are the chosen one who must take over the family business because I am dead or in debt"
That's still no proof.
I believe you are fooled into being the "Chosen One" in Dark Souls, in order to give you a sense of purpose, but you're really just another sucker in a long line of "Chosen Ones" who went hollow
>Dude... everything must be... like... an anime girl... must waifu as hard as i can...
No u
You weren't the first chosen one, but you ARE the chosen one.
it would be really cool if you met a character in one of the souls games who was like "yeah I was told that the world needed to be saved and i'll do it eventually but i'm busy dueling red phantoms"
yes, you will wait
Anime is the new MLP
Animepedos ruin everything
Undertale does this well, Flowey turning it back on you for his fight was a cool idea, though the fight was a bit too easy for my tastes.
>You're not really the chosen one
>You're just that fucking capable
I bet you I could find those 50, you disgusting plebian. but I won't, the burden of proof is on those who assert ridiculous things.
And wouldn't it be cool if deadpool was there as well? He could make a comment about chimchillas and be mistaken as a man spider!
Hades is a lighthearted roguelitelike, almost doesn't count
there is no chosen one, it's just a story
you become the chosen one by succeeding and killing the final boss, I guess