Power Bomberman

Play Bomberkino with Zig Forums, download it here and go online:


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have you set a lobby up? i'm game

I made one just now.

Zig Forums room
password - rage

just opening my game

I'm working rn but I'll give you this bump

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Same with me. I’d totally join if anyone’s still playing in the next 2 1/2 hours. Bump.

Item guide.

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The bombergirls are playable, yeah.

Attached: b.png (1491x1044, 67.08K)

The only way people can play with bombergirls

you fucks still there?

Yep, get room is still the same


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God I suck at bomberman

Attached: bomber.gif (84x86, 20.19K)

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Just keep playing, You'll get better.

You guys still playing?

Yeah, join in.

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What were they thinking?

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>remember bomberman jetters?


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