Another Friday night another chance to play BGO with Zig Forums. Never played before? Just hop in the link bellow (google and Zig Forums archive it if you don't trust, has been a dying Zig Forums tradition for decades) with no registration needed as you can play as a guest and chat. What is this? This is a turned based mario party style game where the goal is to fuck eachother over and cross the finish line yourself to win. Most items and skills can be used on anyones turn like throwing a grenade at someone visiting a shop or are put in an event que for your turn so there's many levels of thinking to get ahead. This game is full of relic memes from 2010 with new stuff constantly added as the game aged with whacky stuff like being able to rape other players, hypnotize others into becoming vegans who die if they eat meat, lighting players on fire and burning all their pets alive, or turning into pacman and eating everyone for points.
These games may take a while to fill and run a while depending on the end space and player count. Be sure to get things like food ready as if you go AFK during your turn too long you may be kicked from the game by other irritated players. We are hosting in a private lobby and anyone can make their own game for this thread, even without an account. An anchor post will be bellow where the first game will be posted and where players can check replies to jump to the most recent game being hosted without having to scroll down the thread.
Game Mode: Classic Finish space: 100 Team Mode: No Teams: Free For All Players: 2/16 Action Timer: 20 seconds Game Options: Minigames disabled. Expert Mode activated. Survival Mode activated. Instant Classes activated. Double Classes activated. Reinforcements activated. Available Classes: All, except: Enchanter, Bard and undefined
lmao i ruin your sprint to victory with those bombs, bear?
Henry Rivera
We got 4 people in this one so far
Joseph Cruz
Ye I was gonna go to the magic shop with all my money but I kept dying traded away my orb on accident as a merchant. Picked the food crate but all my food was trash tier so I didn't even bother taking them out
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me. Any other balance ideas? I was thinking of giving the finish line 2 loops rather than 3 or 4. Finish line gives prizes and first one to cross it gets a stone. As much as I like looping finish lines I feel it gives the stone too early with multiple crosses and distracts people from who might win due to multiple finishes.
Kayden Williams
Starting this in a few mintues. We got 8 players now