Just got these

Just got these

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Wait a minute, you're black

why is my mailbox broken

nice .

It doesn't count if you loot them.

is the ys series any good?
I was thinking about it today but not sure if its worth the time investment, i heard the games are rather jrpg long

based fuck wh*tes

What happened to your skin?

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See you retarded bait posters?

This is how you shitpost.


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You got shit on your hand bro

Give them back

Cringe, get better taste

>melanin enriched individual
Checks out

Wait a minute.... somethin' here ain't right

Attached: huh.jpg (765x630, 49.4K)

OP, you're not allowed to buy slaves anymore.

based blackventurer

Holy based

>for weebshit

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this nigga looks like he impregnates white women

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*just stole these



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Attached: I'm black, yo.gif (160x160, 444.65K)

Mate, are you always the same black guy? Always find these threads funny. Love seeing Zig Forums dwellers absolutely seethe at the thought of a black man existing.

>spot the edgy /pol-tranny/

now you can play all week

you need to hangout with other people with such top tier tastes

im glad the worst thing you could add onto "/pol" is the word tranny
carry on

I Kneel

Which one is the new one in full 3d where you jump around a city and shit? It looks interesting, but ut has bad reviews. Is it any good?

You'll never be a woman.

Why are you black?

mate, you're obsessed, I'm not even a tranny kek

You will NEVER be a woman.

haha that's our chadol

I don't think anyone is seething, user. Most people are just shitposting at the obvious shitposting thread. It's funny. Even the ones saying Nigger are obviously only saying it to get a rise outta you and it's obviously working.

made for young white teen pussy

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That's almost a foot, i know you guys like to meme and shit but im pretty sure that would hurt a women.

your parents will use your real name on your tombstone

>I-I'm not s-seething! I-I'm just s-shitposting!

why do ugly whores like this think they are even allowed to be size queens?