How the FUCK were you supposed to know?
How the FUCK were you supposed to know?
Its a fucking juice machine OP
How about the one where you need to spray the actual sun for a shine sprite and the moon for a blue coin.
that's bullshit.
I 100%ed the game when I was 4 years old, anyone who struggles with the game as an adult is just retarded
The blunt of this game's difficulty comes from the floodless levels but more specifically the challenge missions.
They still dont hold a candle to the perfect run in Galaxy 2 or collecting all 999 Moons in Odyssey
Literally don't believe you
There's a pianta in that level that literally tells you to spray the moon. This is my first time playing Sunshine and I got that one.
>missing ONE blue coin in Biano Hills
It's impossible to 100% without a guide.
>spray water on literally every inch of the world
>i'm so good at games i figured it all out lol!
I 100%ed the game and I don't even remember that shit. I used a guide for like two other blue, and I remember them vividly because of it, so I must have figured that one out on my own too, but I have no idea how.
Is there an NPC that suggests you chuck fruit in or something
It literally tells you not to, why the fuck would you do it? Bullshit.
>he didn't use a guide
kill yourself
The blue coins in this game are just horrible, like I don't even know why they took the effort to put them in. The blue coins in sunshine would be akin to getting 120 stars in 64 but it took twice the effort and the only reward was bowser being shocked that their where 120 stars after you beat him. Seriously? A .jpg group shot at the casino? What the problem couldn't edit the three lines of code so you could have infinite water in a new game plus? 100 lives was pointless but it at least gave you freedom to fuck around and the yoshi cameo was cool.
For whatever reason sunshine was the only Mario game I hadn't ever played. I saw that 3d collection and decided to emulate it with higher frames and better resolution and a high def texture pack. Game is great but I can understand how there are parts of it that aren't intuitive. Obviously if I had all day to run around aimlessly I would eventually figure things out but that isn't fun and I don't have that kind of time anyways, so yes I will be looking up what the fuck to do.
It's a juice machine you dumbass, and Odyssey had you doing a lot of the same stuff where you have to pay attention to the environment and experiment to get Moons. This is why Sunshine is the ultimate zoomer filter, it shows they're not capable of critical thinking.
t. dishonored playtester
Well, you know its a juicer if you complete the melon mission. Also if you talk to the guy running the juice stand during the first mission he tells you there's a juicer on the roof. A curious player might see the shine inside the tube and while trying to figure out how to get it out might put a fruit in the juicer to see what happens.
I honestly got stuck around right where you unlock the ghost hotel stage. There were no more shines for me to get in other levels and I never got past that.
The blue coins really aren't that bad. A lot of them require a bit of intuition and thinking "if I was a developer where would I hide the coins". I decided to actually give a good effort in finding all the coins this run and it was kind of fun finding some of them. It reminds me of Odyssey like said where you're rewarded for experimentation and poking around. I haven't really seen any so far that made me think they were too obtuse, but then again I'm still about 15-20 coins shy of the full set.
The only REAL problem with the blue coins is that some of them are mission-specific and there's no way to tell if you're missing a mission-specific coin. Other than that, they're not a bad collectible, but I can totally see why people hate them.
How do you keep track of your blue coins for each level?
Yes that's how it works, is a baby game for baby games, you should not have any fucking difficulty playing it
The map tells you how many you've found in each level. It doesn't tell you that each level has 30 coins. The plaza has 20 and Corona Mountain has 10.
There's a shine mission for putting something in the juicer.
The juicer is still there in other missions.
You can put other things in it.
If you're bored enough, you'll systematically put everything Mario can carry in there at some point.
Then maybe try to get enemies and piantas in there, too.
Your brain told you. Games don't always have to hold your hand for you to figure things out
Disingenuous and oversimplifying the issue.
>no reason to get shines since progression is dependant on beating shadow mario
>no reason to get blue coins because of above
Sunshine was a clusterfuck of half-working ideas, I'm just glad that nostalgiafags can stop pretending it's not the worst 3d mario
you're the only one with an issue
The blue coins are one of the most common complaints with Sunshine. I don't have a problem with them, but to outright deny that there is any fault is a bit of a stretch.
Perfect Run is overrated, the level is basically a straight line that becomes a cakewalk because you memorize every other section because you keep dying to the final section.