Team Xecuter arrested

Piratebros... It's all over for us..

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Don't FUCK with Nintendo!!

based Nintendo showing those piratecucks who's boss

Oh my

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"selling hacks"

they deserved it. Based Nintendo.

>Zig Forums piracy is based
Why Zig Forums like this?

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So long..

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Good riddance.

Consolecucks are the biggest consoomers on the entire website. This should come to noone's surprise.

Weren't these guys insistent that Nintendo couldn't do anything to them? I remember them being quite smug about it.

koopaklan....... we can't let mario get away with this.......

Atmosphere chads win again.


Who says anything will happen? Wait for the trial.

Dont care, still using Atmosphere

funny you will literally never, EVER make a thread about playstation emulators, or even retro emulation like the saturn. Nah, it's only about the most recent nintendo system. All day every day.

I got eleven felonies. Bitch, I'm Bill Bellamy.

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Haven't Xecuter guys been arrested before?
Pretty sure at this point it's just a name the website admin shops around and none of the original members from the OG Xbox days are still around, so therefore whoever's left can just get a couple new members and keep on rolling.

>Don't use xsos
>Can do everything sxos can do and more.
Eat shit faggots.

What the fuck can they charge them for?
Allowing people to modify shit that they own?
It's like suing a hardware store for selling a saw that isn't officially licensed to be used with certain wood. Shit's retarded.

So long gay Bowser XD

Weren't they also making people signup to a subscription to fully unlock their custom firmware

Its stupid homebrew drama again. Im in one of their cuckcords. Theyve been doxxing these idiots for months gathering info, and then made some shit up and reported it to the FBI. Thats where all the quotes on the FBI's website come from and how I realized it was them. Basically rentfree idiots are angry because they cant sue over an open source license and are mad TX is making money out of it all. So they did what discord drama tards do and doxxed someone and swatted them.

>can afford to buy a console
>no money to buy any games
Never understood this, maybe don't buy the console if you're broke.

Lmao ok?

>stealing one thing
>stealing many things over a long period of time
Don't assume I'm paying for the console either

This applies to so many goddamn things.
>buy gun
>can't afford ammo
>buy 3d printer
>can't afford filament
>buy lockpick
>can't afford locks
>buy VR headset
>can't afford VR games
You can tell these people buy things with money given to them instead of money they earn.

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the nintendo switch is complete garbage without homebrew to turn it into a good emulation handheld and actually give you proper save backup.

moonlight is trash have they got parsec working on it yet?

dunno, I just boot android to do steam streaming and that was perfectly good.
Played RE2 remake on it.

They're one team, cucks. There are multiple CFWs and payloads now. I got my Switch all hacked and loaded up with the handful of games I like. This was a year ago though. I barely use the thing nowadays.

You're right of course, but America (and only America) does have a law against modifying things you own to allow for piracy.

oh sweet they got android working on the switch now? Any performance loss or since the gpu/cpu/chipwhatever is basically a tablet one, does it get the full power?

But Monster Hunter and BOTW 2 is coming. Xecuter need to update their chip, I don't want to jerk around with a paperclip for 20 minutes again.

>build an expensive gaming pc
>work a job with good earnings
>pirate because it's there and it's free even though I can afford the games
>buy an Index
>pirate VR games too

Stay mad. Games are not worth $70 for fuck's sake.

a console is 300€.
all the games I pirated are over 1000€ at this point.
are you some kind of idiot to not see the difference? and are you so stupid that you think you made an argument here?
no I will buy the console and pirate on it.

I work though lmao. its because I work that I actually value my money and go for free shit when I can.
Maybe you should get a job actually.

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Imagine literally being a pirate and paying another pirate for software
I can't imagine being such a cuck

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>Modchip shit

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