Why is this allowed in Japanese games
Why is this allowed in Japanese games
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allister's wives
wtf you cant do that!! i HATE brown people that means you shouldnt put them in video games!! everything is about me!!!!
They aren't black. The mouths don't stick out.
He has a boyfriend
Why is it unethical to breed the color out of a races skin? Then we could truly end racism because we would all be the same race
i don't know
Literally MADE for MY cock
I love their cute brown nipples. I love their delicious brown skin. I love brown girls.
What exactly is wrong with them?
I see no problem here
Blessed art thou that creath delicious chocolate girls
difficult choices
Just look at this...
It's extremely concerning for this kind of stuff to be in a kid's game. Japan is fucked up.
You're asking for a Mexico but world wide, so no thank you
too bad black/brown feet irl are so gross
>Japan is fucked up
Japan's always been fucked up.
why do “those” people see an anime character with tan skin and start screaming that they’re black? Bea is just a white girl with a tan and the other bitch always struck me as Indian or Latina not black. Also
>black people
In America, unlike in many other countries, very light-skinned people with black grandparents still call themselves black. Blame the one-drop rule.
>black people
I take it you've never been to the Caribbean
No pure casual nessa gf
they have white boyfriends
I don't get it
Brown queens
delicious brown girls have always been a thing in japan. get over it proud boys faggot
Have you retards ever seen dark skinned Japs?
Actually, the darker one has a white girlfriend.
made for pokemon black and white
Can I have a swirl? Give me Marnie and Bea please.
Why would you want to ruin Bea by mixing her with shit?
racism is merely a distraction against the far larger issue that is class/income disparity.
no one gives a fuck about race in mexico cuz you can easily find people of any race there
>Then we could truly end racism because we would all be the same race
then why don't we just breed everyone to be brown? it'd be easier since there are more brown people than white people, too
what's weird about that? lools like normal cartoons to me
This is normal now?
These retards fall for it hook line and sinker.
isnt that a good thing
Not enough people would agree to that.
Violence is the only solution. Every race for their own in an all out bloodbath. Winners gets dominion over the Earth.
Sounds like a good game idea, at least.
Pokegirl pedos are worse than furfaggots change my mind.
>Women wearing outfits less revealing than bikinis
>wHy Is ThIS aLlOwEd
They’re cartoon characters.
Why aren't brown girls as attractive in real life bros?
Every time someone mentions Mexico I remember that one gore video of the cartel dudes beheading a dad in front of his son and then them slowly cutting out the kid's heart to send it to his mom. I've built some tolerance over the years but this shit still makes my stomach churn.
>Change my mind
Go back
I don't know how a Korean was allowed in a Japanese video game eitehr
Clearly they need to be more revealing.
Shame you havent had your faggot head slowly sawed off
you first pedo
>Sounds like a good game idea, at least
I need a link to that, please!
Bea is fat
You need to go back
After adding feet to Fire Emblem and seeing it sell like hotcakes, theyre applying it to pokemon and guess what? It worked.
>the only way a Koreon was allowed in a Japanese fgame was to make her a fatass
god help us if they ever add feet to mario
Go back, there's no place for you here.
New barefooted tomboy princess when
why do so many Zig Forumstards browse a board for video games?
Back to jerking off to drawings of anime girls? no I don't think I will you fucking degenerate.
>White supremacist.
Well there's your problem; you're only allowed to play one race. Add more playable options with unique strengths and weaknesses and it'll increase the shelf life.
Just don't add too many; less Overwatch, more Team Fortress 2.
because theyre getting BTFO and have no defense for a president who returns to the white house and takes his mask off while still being contagious with a deadly virus, just so he can fucking pose for a camera
How do you get fatter than this?!
Go back
Get some fucking therapy, or at least a hobby and get the fuck off Zig Forums you fuckin autist, goddamn
No way!
>No argument
>Le newfag boogeyman
Like pottery, animefags have 0 charisma as usual.
Zig Forums was never a weeb board by the way you dumb election tourist.
Bea is cute. And stronk.
Not particularly. So you have a population that hates and admires white people and discriminates its indigenous population as much they admire them for their culture.
Whites are beautiful and to be admire but hate them for being successful despite not always being the case
Natives are virtuous for their pre-hispanic past but no one gives a shit about their soon to be extinct culture and poor population
And then we have the most brown people who are synonymous with crime and the adjective stupid and low life
Because you've been lied to.