Be honest, did you hate or enjoy Donte?
I personally hated him but I feel that might be due to years of knowing original Dante. His attitude and general cunt like personality combined with his teenager voice didn't rub me right.
Be honest, did you hate or enjoy Donte?
Honestly, Donte is one of my favorite DMC Dante designs. His hair and face are goofy, but I dig his get up.
Never played DmC so I have no comment on his actual personality.
I liked him in the first ~20% of the game when he was arrogant and cocky.
His "character growth" in DmC was simply him losing any character he had.
i liked mexican telenovela donte only
I love him and i love his gay porn. It's the only dante that makes me laugh, all the other Dantes are cringe.
Donte in a vacuum is not bad, just cringy
Was my first dmc so i loves it
How did they manage to make yamato look even worse than rebellion
I'm one of those people who actually gave the game a fair shot without any bias but even then Donte is by far the worst thing about the game. Everything about his personality is beyond fucking tasteless and his design is garbage. He was a bit better at the beginning when he was just a brat, once he becomes a pussywiped white knight he loses whatever cinders of appeal he ever had.
I like it, the design itself is really cool but he would have worked better as Dantes sidekick or something
Mexican Dante sounds like he is having fun.
After DMC5, all is forgiven.
>gay and brainlet
Many such cases
The jackets kinda cool but his face is weird and the rest of his outfit is a tank top and jeans.
He should have been in later DMCs instead of shit character Nero
He would've been an interesting side character as a foil to Dante. Literally, a brain dead decision to reboot the game and completely change the way the main character behaves.
Game had solid presentation, plot was retarded but story never was DMC's big side. Soundtrack and art both great, combat wasn't as in depth but still fun. Hastily shoehorning nu-Vergil to be the true villain was straight up retarded.
It was way edgier than it needed to be.
nero is still better
this I can agree with, while there are clearly shared aspects both personality and design wise, I prefer Nero over Donte.
This game was better than DMC4. I will die on this hill.
Psssh...nuthin personnel...fetus...
Donte isn't bad, the supporting cast is however
He's incredibly unlikable, as is everyone else from DmC. There's nobody to root for in that damn game. The heroes abort a baby by sniper rifle.
the time up until DmC's release was one of the best time periods of this board
Nero is basically Donte in DMC5 unlike 4 where he just screamed for his anime girlfriend the entire game
>The heroes abort a baby by sniper rifle.
And that's a good thing.
If DmC was divorced entirely from the Devil May Cry franchise, Donte would still be a literal nothing character in a shitshow story. The gameplay would be pretty impressive for western developers, if Capcom didn't have to hold their fucking hand practically the whole time.
>unlike 4 where he just screamed for his anime girlfriend the entire game
You should play DMC4 before you comment on it.
>The heroes abort a baby by sniper rifle.
Honestly based
Don't @ me, dumbass. The entire plot of the game is him saving her. Fuck off
I prefer El Donte
No one cares tameem. No one fucking cares.
Ah right you've baited me. Well played. Actually got me. Have a (you) on me as compensation for my idiocy.
He's 100% correct
I don't like him and his game is boring, also DmC was my first DMC game, so I'm not one of those nostalgia retard niggers.
Why should i play as Nero cosplaying as dante?
Maybe someone will get you a nice gravestone
Its literally for 2 missions when she gets kidnapped and then when he fails and gets absorbed into savior
t.gaming journalist