What is Sony thinking?

>$70 for a remake of a PS3 game
>charging for a remaster of a 2 year old game
>$50 for a glorified DLC
>$500 to play in 1440p
>most games still 30 fps
>completely ignoring fan interest in backwards compatibility for PS1/2/3
>pissing off the cape shit audience by changing their guy
>pissing off TLOU2 fans by killing off their guy
>pissing off anime niggas by censoring their coomer shit
>pissing off the entire country of Japan by westernizing their button layout
Why would a company senselessly sabotage themselves like this?

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Because, like nintendo, they know they're allowed to get away with shitting on their cultists because they've become incapable of thinking on their own.

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at least the switch has its form factor going for it
ps5 doesn't even have that

Still buying a PS5 snd I'm still voting Biden.

Would unironically buy a PS5 over a Switch if it didn't have Monster Hunter generations. It's not as if I DON'T like childish games, but why does Zig Forumsintendo expect me to like childish games more than mature games as an adult? Demon's Souls remake unironically looks better than most Switch games combined except for Monster Hunter Generations which is just an upgraded port anyways.

Nintendo shouldn't have hired so much fucking useless women to design their games. I unironically don't want to play crap for toddlers, this is ridiculous, it's not even an edgy stupid 'dudebro' thing to say anymore, it's just a logical intellectual criticism, why is Nintendo so obsessed with games for toddlers and women?

California is where everything withers and dies, actual hell on Earth.

Oh forgot Rise, but it's not out yet. Nintendo could have a lot more games that appeal to me. Literally one game seems better than most of the toddler baby crap on the Switch. Maybe if Nintendo didn't spend years trying to design their company to fuck over 'Hardcore' gamers, their games would be more appealing overall, even their childish games could use some subtle maturity and difficulty added in them. If the Switch didn't have Rise, I don't care how many childish exclusives the Switch would have, I'm not a 5 year old anymore, I like childish games but I prefer mature games like Monster Hunter and Demon's Souls.

Nintendo games are fun, user. It’s ok to have fun.

Once California starting make the calls is the day
when Playstation died. Doesn't mean shit to the cultists because they'll keep consooming and for every cultists that stops consooming they have 2 normalfags ready to replace them.

That's subjective, your 'fun' could be boring to me. You guys are manchildren who think 'childish' things are more important than 'cool' things when in reality they are of equal importance. It's because you worship the monad and hate the demiurge.

their head got too big after their successes with ps4 and its exclusives

now they're milking their fanbase for all they're worth and pushing everything they can get away with to the maximum

Only autists lacking social awareness care enough to bring their video games in public

That’s a whole lot of projecting bud. I simply said that it’s okay to play fun games. You seem unwell, seek help. I genuinely wish you nothing but the best.

This. It's literally on fire and it won't stop till there's nothing left to burn.

And still black.

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I would say they're repeating the PS3 era with how arrogant they are, but the Xbox has zero exclusives and MS just wants you on their platforms, regardless of where you play, so I have no clue how this is all going to go. If Xbox had literally just one game, they'd win by default.

Yes, yes, activate raytracing and downclock the CPU

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>>$500 to play in 1440p
PC players do it.

It sucks because I know this is the beginning of Sony fucking up the entire generation.
Why couldn't they have waited for more weeb genres to make their way to PC? Now stuff from Vanillaware and Falcom will be harder to get over here because of the dangerhairs.

>$60 a year to play your $70 game online
Snoys are going to take it a step further

60 dollars+tip for 3 roms running on a shitty emulator is ok
90 dollars for this is perfect fine

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They don't care anymore and why should they? PS fans will buy it up by the millions regardless of how garbage the value of it is and convince themselves they're getting a deal. The last time PS guys got a deal on a video game console was the original, fat PS3. The PS4 was literally unnecessary and still sold like crazy. The same thing will happen with the PS5.

It's free money for Sony in their most profitable division, and they don't have to try because they've developed strong brand loyalty. They could charge $80 base game and say future DLC is $10 and their fans would eat it up. I may not like it, but it's the reality.

Nintendo games are mediocre and boring, and designed by prudes who don't like videogames and women. They are as bad as tranny movie games half the time. You know what else is 'fun' tonguing my anus, have at it, don't be edgy and deny my request, we are all fun lovers here.

Nintendo games are no longer as cool as the SNES, N64 and Gamecube, they are designed exclusively for women and toddlers, with the exception being third parties like Wonderful101 and Monster Hunter.

Take your meds user, you’re rambling again

neither of these are good you dumb wojack posting fuck

The answer is simple. The PlayStation brand was a Japanese product, made in Japan, by Japanese people, for Japanese people. But it was a success, and it made money, so capitalist America bought it, "moved" it to California, and started being "American" about it. So now it's just shit. It's hardware is inferior to Xbox sx. The games are all censored and fucked in Karen values. All they care about is "consume and give us all your money" while having no reason for people to actually do it. They have no games, no bc, no free online, no button mapping, no bargains on psn, no "new", no "nothing".

It's just sad. Xbox just wins by default, and Nintendo keeps laughing in múltiplat ports.

>The last time PS guys got a deal on a video game console was the original, fat PS3.
what the fuck are you talking about the original ps3 was horrendous and nearly killed the company

No, the Zig Forums staff let some evil Nintendo employee prude shill here for 13 years, deleting even polite criticism of Nintendo threads. He was some assholeish prude who was clearly butthurt Christians didn't successful ban violent games in the 90's, he spent his life trying to get Nintendo to stop making cool or nerdy games, and only make 'childish' games for 'normal' people which is boring as fuck.

It's like if your plane crashed in the woods, and all you had to eat was beef jerky, but some twisted vegan gets pissed and tosses the jerky into raging river, so you starve. That's Master Malstrom, the borderline-Amish prude who ruined Zig Forums and Nintendo simultaneously. Let me enjoy something a little bit cool and edgy, it doesn't have to be Gears of War, just give me more games like Monster Hunter, even Nintendo making something half as edgy as Monster Hunter would be refreshing.

>backwards compatibility
>most powerful console
>the best blu ray player at the time
Yes, the PS3 was too expensive for the average consumer and that’s why it flopped initially but what you were actually getting was well worth the money. The console itself was easily worth $800-$900.

Wrong. Best deal is a slim ps3 with cfw. You can unofficially play all ps1 and ps2 games by official emulator without the EE. It also plays psp games. Also homebrew for other emulators. Aside having a gaming PC, ps3 is still the best gaming console in 2020.

Go play in the traffic user, you’re tumbling again

Ps3 first edition 599 dollars was a steal, except most of those burned with overheating issues very quickly. Slims and super slims are a dime a dozen, a 20, 60gb first edition are nowhere to be found. Also it packed 4 front usbs and card reader, which was useful up until they killed other os. After that, all that hw was useless.

Valuewise user.

>Cheap (cheapest?) and best Blu-Ray player at the time
>Played ALL PS1, 2, and PS3 games straight from the disc
>Largest generational graphical leap (from PS2 to PS3)
>Most powerful console on the market. So much more powerful that game exclusivity happened because games literally couldn't run smoothly enough on other consoles (thus game exclusivity with a purpose rather than just buying exclusivity)
>First playstation to incorporate gyro motion into their controller for games to take advantage of
>The ultimate multimedia player for your movies, photos, and music before the digital takeover

I didn't have a PS3, but for $600 this was a steal. The PS3 should have been $900.

>First playstation to incorporate gyro motion into their controller for games to take advantage of
this is almost always a bad thing
>The ultimate multimedia player for your movies, photos, and music before the digital takeover
this is also a bad thing, and something I largely blame that and the 360 for, I don't give a fuck if my console can play netflix I have it for video games and video games only

How ironic that now the ps5 can't even play movie dvds...

>he thinks everyone is a hardcore pc gamer

Ps4 can't even play audio cds. Tf were they thinking?

It seems any time one of these gaming companies gets too far ahead of the competition they start making terrible choices that cost them their lead.

Sony's been shoving their head up their own ass for decades, this is just another side effect.

Let's not forget Other OS.

PS3 > 360
PS4 > Xbone
Xbone X > PS4 Pro
SeX > PS5

>$0 for a 4k upgrade

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