I liked it
I liked it
too bad they sacked the writer for below 0 because he wasnt woke enough.
i enjoyed the first one.
too bad they gave up on finishing the game to make another sequel at full price
Is Sub Zero any good? I played the first one blind and it felt like a large portion of what made it fun was the uncertainty of moving forward and the lack of knowledge on what could kill me. Going into the second one with a greater understanding of the game seems like it might take a bit of the enjoyment out of it.
why is he a nigger
A lot of peeps say theyre rewriting sub zero because it was so fucking shittyy. Nothing can recapture the original subnautica, im playing a lot of no mans sky now and the story is sub par when compared to subnautica
No Man's Sky has way better writing than anything in Subnautica.
its fully voice acted trash with an on rails story.
the only thing it has in common is you get to swim
It was the sound designer, way worse than losing the writer.
Looks fun
He's polynesian.
That's brown, but not negro.
This. The guy responsible for the amazing sound design in the first game got fired for political reasons.
Below zero is literally just an expansion with 90% of the assets recycled. Its hilariously unfinished and way overdue, having been in alpha for literal years too long. The devs are amateurs and got one-off lucky and then proceeded to learn nothing from their success.
ryley if he real
wtf was this nigger wasting supplies on hair gel this whole time
El goblino...
The promo art is so much more gay than the actual game.
Best gaming experience i've had in years.
Luckily i bought it not knowing anything about it and i was frankly amazed at how well designed the world of this seamingly subpar looking game is.
Sub Zero looks like trash though.
like chris rock?
la creatura aquatico...
He looks like a chill sidekick sort of guy, honestly not that bad. I don't know why people made a big deal out of this, but then again I'm not from the US.
Yeah it was tons of fun. Good thread OP! Did you find the markiplier Easter egg?
I always thought he had a headfin. So he could swim better. But I guess hair gel makes sense.
fuck off
Skin color is a very divisive topic in the us. It’s not even about ancestry. Literally black vs white. Everywhere else in the world you understand that people have different backgrounds and not every white person is the same kind of person. In America they don’t identify as indiana born or Californian. Just white or black or brown. Very sad to see history be ignored for petty skin color reasons. I hope I don’t start a race argument with this.
Warpers are the most fear inducing enemy i've ever fuckin encountered in a game, mianly because they can warp in nearby in a moment's notice and fuck you up, they're a lot more scary than the fuckin dumbass reapers
Don't worry about it, man Zig Forums incels will start a shitstorm about anything so it's not on you if they do.
>slow as shit
>loud ass sounds telling you they're nearby
>don't even notice you unless you're right next to them
>can't do shit if you're in a cyclops
Yeah, nah, warpers are about as scary as a wet kitten. Still some of the best writing in the game though, from the databank entry to the research facility reveal.
Now crabsquids, THOSE are scary.
Wow another one?
I thought they only canned the sound guy?
Is this game actually fun? I played for a bit but it just consisted of scanning shit and reading logs. How long does it take to get to the spooky deep water?
Crabsquids are only dangerous if you insist on using the cyclops in the GR, using the Cyclops to go to the lost river is pointless as fuck when you could just go to LR in your prawn thorugh the BKZ entrance which is honestly a lot quicker.
Using the cyclops in the Lost river is a chump move anyways.
Lmao, way to ignore everything he said and turn it back into an us vs them situation you fucking retard
That's never a good sign...game is stuck in development hell...have a feeling when it does release it won't get nearly as much as Subnautica
I want to play it for the open world base building, crafting, collecting etc. but I'm fucking terrified of the ocean. I could hardly stand to go deep in the ocean in GTA5.
>markiplier Easter egg
Not too long, honestly. The pace is a lot quicker if you are courageous in what/where you explore. A full playthrough took me about 23 hours but i played like a pussy (and had 0 deaths, actually).
You could probably upgrade your seamtoh to explore the Blood Kelp trench and the lost river in less than 8 hours of gameplay.
He's a brazilian nigger
>he doesn't take his cyclops all the way to the PRF to stash obscene amounts of resources and build seabases literally everywhere
There's no need for that kind of language. We don't use the B-word around here.
>exploring the game, seems pretty neat
>happen to read that I’m in a bugged state and even if I haul ass to turn off the defenses it won’t count
>lose interest in the game and haven’t been back yet
I realize it’s a minor thing to quit over especially since it doesn’t really matter but it killed the mood for me
Eh, i only had one base (marked with black circle) and i spent very little or no time in the biomes i crossed out. I had some bases for scanner rooms mainly in the Eastern mushroom forest to look for some more metal.
By the way, if there are any new players or people considering playing the game here, i highly reccomend the location marked in the black circle as a first base, it's one of the most central locations you could pick (right next to jellyshroom caves as well)
I'm sorry, I've forgotten where I am.
He's a br**ilian NIGGER
depends on how long you're willing to grind materials for because to make everything you'll need alot of them
it does have some very spoopy moments though, some where your surroundings are just very unsettling and some where you're faced with just blackness with no choice but to dive on in as you go deeper
so yeah if you like grinding get it and if you just absolutely refuse to grind watch a playthrough or a speedrun of it
Because in the US is common to use media as tool for furthering political agendas.
In this case, the 'issue' is that a faction of belief thinks that minorities [which starts with 'nonwhites' and goes down the rabbit hole all the way to women and literal people with a certain sexual preference] are underrepresented in media and this is due to factors that im not getting into, but know that I think they are fake and gay. So, as a consequence people insert characters fitting those identities into media for the express reason of answering that issue.
Why it pisses off the 4chuds is because its seen as 'artificial' and gives the impression that the creators care more about a political optic than making a good character for its own sake.
What further pisses off 4chuds is that when their opinion is confronted, its done in a way that doesnt represent why they have that opinion. Namely saying they are racists and just dont like seeing niggers in their games. The usual counterpoint offered up is that 4chuds don't actually mind them at all and, for instance, they all love L4D2's Coach because he's a character mades for its own sake rather than to serve a political narrative. Coach is a nigger btw.
TLDR: If i could try to explain the american/Zig Forums seethe for nonwhite character as easy as possible - its like when you see your university's marketing photos and absolutely without fail there will be a girl with a hijab somewhere, which should make you roll your eyes. I feel the reason is intuitive unless you're a turbo leftist.
Thank you.
>happen to read that I’m in a bugged state
What bugged state is that?