>japanese game
>Christianity BAD!!
Why are they like this?
Japanese game
name 5 games
Most of them just include a religion like that because not even 2% of the population is Christian and it's 'cool and esoteric.' Same thing with a lot of anime.
because you're a fucking retard
Would you fuck a vtuber?
Why don't you ever tell us why christianism is good, you massive faggot?
>Christians are the ones who introduced guns to japan and uprooted their whole society
final fantasy x
chrono trigger
"Blind Faith is bad" is not the same as saying Christianity bad you colossal fucking retard.
japan is highly suspicious of most organized institutions since their government is corrupt and shits on the youth constantly
a large monolithic establishment that's good on the outside and has secret badguys at the top is writing easymode
Because it's an outside force that's had mostly negative effects on their country and culture.
because Christianity is bad
that's because religion is bad user
do you guys really get that much of a rush from these threads that stay up for like 2 minutes that you have to keep making them
eekum bokum
Shinto is based
Their knowledge of Christianity is about vast as our knowledge of Shintoism.
Christianity is more of an aesthetic to the japs rather than a theme anyways.
I'm a Catholic and even I agree that we shouldn't have proselytized in Japan further after the emperor grew paranoid of the religion.
Because they understand that faulty things like religion are a waste of time that need to be forgotten about and moved on from.
Eekum Bokum
Organized religions all over the world are basically fronts for child abuse
see: the catholic church, mormons, hasidic jews, amish
>nooo don't make fun of my imaginary frieend!
Why is there so much sheep imagery in christian art?!!
my christain god(the right god) tells me that i must have blind faith
Because Koreans practice it
because they are heathens
macArthur should have forced the emperor to convert to Christianity
onions is always related to religion
>and it's true
japs are still butthurt at western society
Shepherd and flock metaphor
Reason and faith shouldn't necessarily be divorced from one another if you follow the Catholic theologians.
>this is what angels look like
Kind of true in the sense that those who follow it are it's biggest breakers of their beliefs
>South Korean game
>Christianity GOOD!
Since this thread is going to get deleted. I have a question, would any of you really risk your life for your girlfriend/wife if the situation really happened?
>Turn up to your nation with what may as well be space age tech shaming you
>Park ships in your bay and tell you to open your legs or else and you can't stop them
>Nuke you
It's not hard to see why Japanese nationalist would seethe to this day. That and Japanese writers are on average fucking awful and >church bad despite looking good is as easy as it gets when writing an opposing forcing.
>According to mainstream Christian theology, angels are wholly spiritual beings and therefore do not eat, excrete or have sex, and have no gender. Although their different roles, such as warriors for some archangels, may suggest a human gender, Christian artists were careful not to given them specific gender attributes, at least until the 19th century, when some acquire breasts for example.[99]
>In an address during a General Audience of 6 August 1986, entitled "Angels participate in the history of salvation", Pope John Paul II explained that "[T]he angels have no 'body' (even if, in particular circumstances, they reveal themselves under visible forms because of their mission for the good of people)."
Hmm, is my wife Marine Senchou? Then yes.
What situation?
>Christian equivalent societies and priests casts healing spells and lightning attacks
>western game
>Christianity BAD!!!!
Why are they like this?
Where does the lightning attacks come from, it's usually scorching light and gigantic glowing weapons falling from the sky.
didn't angels fucked a bunch of human females and it created the whole Nephilim race?
Angels def have penises. Or can manifest one.
>final boss
>kill god... again
>no capital G in sight
no you ain't
They're using chimes
name me one game.
that's rabbinic fan fiction
They're not wrong
>character has completely abandoned God
Why are they like this?
Did you know that there is no official stance on whatever the fuck that meant in the Church to this very day? All of the Church fathers throughout the centuries were all like "What the fuck?" and didn't bother with analyzing it.
If god isn't real why do you hate him?
Check mate atheists
I miss her
>mfw face when I pray to God
It's a fun lore to explore. Also it's a religion that won't cut your head off or blow you up or get you fired for having a go at it. Aka akbarism or shekelism.
Also I would say overall it's not "christianity bad" more like using it as a back drop to world build like God of War uses greek mythos.
At least Eternal was more ambiguous than I thought it would be. These "angels" and the Kahn Makyr are definitively not the Christian ones, though some parallel was certainly the intent.
>24 hour long gaming session
She's more of a gamer than anyone ITT
Because Christianity, at least as we know it, is bad.
Embrace dualism.
according to some the reason is because translators keep injecting their fedora atheism and mistranslating japanese games on purpose.
So you have game like this
>In this village we worship God.
changed to
>In this village we worship gods
Pretty much every English translation does this because the people translating it are pc pushing leftist anti-christian retards
Here's your god, bro
>"I will not simp in Genshin"
>Proceeds to spend 140 bucks from her moms credit card
I can't really stay mad at Artia since she's the archetypal lonely Twitch gremlin that may or may not be mentally arrested.
who is this
>white country
>Christianity GOOD
Why do they do this?
chinese gremlin
Say 1 thing, anything that Christianity did it right
Because it's true.