Hot take: FF6 is garbage, because the main protagonist is a useless piece of meat

Hot take: FF6 is garbage, because the main protagonist is a useless piece of meat.

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>look, mom, I posted it again


Hotter take, all of the FFs are garbage for various reasons.

>Consider playing every FF in order cause autism and bored
>Look up like a dozen tier lists and rankings on different sites
>Most of them list FFVI as the best FF ever made.
>Female protagonist

I guess in the 90's people didn't care about female protagonists.

>I guess in the 90's people didn't care about female protagonists
Well that's mostly because they weren't made with the single mind to push a bullshit feminist message.

Hottest take: the entire RPG genre is garbage

Neither was Lightning, though.

there isn't even a main character in ff6

Has the Mother 3 schizo moved onto a new game?

it's still objectively the best game in the series stay mad. FF15 is objectively the worst game in the series, kys barry.

FF6 never really felt like it had a main protagonist honestly. Like yeah it’s “supposed” to be Terra but Locke, Sabin, Celes kind of take over at different points.

Fucking retarded clown had this tight pussy literally fucking brainwashed and did not have sex with her Kefka is a gay retard holy fuck

>Main Protagonist

I always thought Kefka was asexual or just gay. I don't think he cared about sex or women.

I thought XIII was the worst

No, we cared about whether or not the game was good and less if the protagonist was a woman; a concept that's now foreign to Zig Forums, I know.

hating 13 is a meme The objective trifecta of objectively shit FF games are 2, 8, and 15 only barry tries to push otherwise.

This game was so fucking boring it actually put me to sleep.

Isn't the main character Kefka, kinda like how Darth Vader is the main character for the original Star Wars trilogy?

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It was a good game with good story and Terra (also Celes, the main character of the second half) were good characters and not some monodimensional propaganda spewing cunts.

new media lies to you, women weren't hated in the past

Terra looks like THAT?

This honestly. We start with Terra and she certainly feels the most special of the group, but you could say the same of characters like Aeris, Yuna or Garnet. Compared to a traditional game with a male protag, so much of the story happens with her just not around. It’s an ensemble game really, no doubt about it even if the producers call her the lead.

that's nice dear

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damn it must suck to be you

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why is terra angery?

Hottest take: you didn't get FF6, it's an ensemble cast, Terra isn't the main protag.

VI and XIII are the worst games in the series and they both had female protagonist.
Coincidence? I think not.

ehhhh that was right around when that shit started to sprout, she isnt terrible but i wouldnt mind if she wasnt a fucking hole

>Not being poor doesn't necessitate wasting hundreds of dollars on slot machines user.
13 is worse than all three of those dumbass.

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>Hot take
lmao that's pathetic.

But you're playing Dissidia NT?

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>Edgar going for Celes
That seems for to me, I always figured he was more after Terra, no one else ever showed interest like that in her. Plus Relm was cheeky towards him in a fun way.

Dear diary, today OP was not a faggot

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