Fire Emblem Heroes

It's up.

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Fuck me, I forgot the link.

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Our second colorless mage!

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...And he's shit.

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>another fucking fighter variation

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second? bramimond and micaiah

So blue and green are the ones worth rolling for, and Dheginsea looks pretty cool.

Hahaha holy shit she doesn't have any hips
She's looking like a whole ass trap

The costume designs are so bad. They should have gotten the Halloween Nowi artist again.

What are their costumes even?

are buff and debuff numbers on the battle screen new?

Finally, a banner I don't have to spend orbs on.

Ninian's wearing a hat with candy on top. That's a costume, right?

I think it's just for phones with tall screens

Ninian is probably a Yuki-onna while Tiki is an oni

I figured Tiki was a red oni, but since Ninian wasn't the blue oni, I was totally lost. Kind of lame, but I am obligated to try and get them. Summoning my f2p luck to my side.

> powercreep a legendary prf skill
Wtf bros...

FGrima was unsalvagable.

Ninian looks like she doesn't even have a costume and compared to Nowi and Myrrh, Tiki's outfit is really boring. How funny that the best design this year is the 4 star hero.

It's shit

Dheginsea is pretty rad but man I hate armors. Probably shouldn't be surprised due to his boss status and the whole "Goldoa will not move" meme. Gonna at least try to roll a few copies of Xane though, I've been wanting infantry hexblade and now is as good of time as any to grab a few.

>nothing but flat chests
Shit banner

Did you get your lewd fairy, Zig Forums?

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Yeah, but it took 8 non-fairy 5*s.

Seasonal units are gay. Add Athos and Gotoh, please.

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First roll, and I didn't even want her.

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Why yes I'm saving orbs until my favorite 1st generation unit appears on the weekly banners, how could you tell?

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GOLDOA WILL WILL NOT MOVE from being in seasonal hell for eternity

>Ena as a Jiang Shi is the freebie
I'll build her but I don't have high hopes, she wasn't even good in Radiant Dawn and I don't think this'll buck the trend.

Tried, failed, will wait for her rerun.
Fucking Seliph.

Of course the Tiki alt gets a ton of busted shit

mate I got 4 seliph

I dunno user. His prf is pretty cool.

Grima is straight up cringe. Always has been.

I hate this game

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Took me 300 orbs to get this stupid coomfairy slut.
I just wish I had a use for all this DC fodder.

Bad rolls recently?

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