Yet another skeleton, slime, orc, dragon

>Yet another skeleton, slime, orc, dragon
I would really like to see unique enemy design in video games

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>using evangellion, which just ripped off biblical and pre-christian figures over and over with bad religious subtext stripped of anything nuanced and subversive

OP gets 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place in the yearly faggot awards.

Dragons are cool and there isn't enough of them.

i'm assuming you were disqualified for being a professional

op took so many places in the faggot awards it pushed places 1-50 out, I had sucked atleast 634 dicks this week alone and that motherfucker got me booted out of qualifiers.

What about this, exotic enough?

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I feel you, OP.
Where are all the cool aliens and shit?

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Holy shit.... is that a giant floating octahedron? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH DADDY SAVE ME!!!!!!

you know half the angels designs are based on the Japanese prefecture flags

ultra based

evangelion designs rule

Wtf is unique about giant spider?


The zebra ball is the only unique one out of that bunch.

is this up your alley?

Attached: war.png (2691x2855, 217.31K)

its ashkully a giant virus

Last time I heard that one I laughed soo hard I fell off my dinosaur.

>retarded arceus

>Here's your Monster, Hunter

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shit, good point
it's something I drew a year or so ago

>ripped off biblical and pre-christian figures over and over
"ripping off" is not the same as borrowing names. the angels, evas, third impact, etc have nothing to do with the bible. they simply share names. evangelion isn't a re-imagining of the bible or biblical themes... it's a story about human relationships.
learn some critical thinking skills, okay?

There's so many possible enemy types we haven't seen in games yet

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No shit retard.
The reason why people use the same tropes and just variants of usual designs is that no matter how much you crave variety 90% of the time people won't want to experiment with something new or different.
Since a majority of games are made by companies, companies would prefer familiar experience that are known to work rather than risk alienating anyone by taking a risk with design elements or anything.

It's why if you want unique designs or ideas, you usually have to wait for fucking passion projects or single visionary projects

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Play Hylics/Hylics 2 then

imagine being this dumb of a fucking nigger in 2020, i'd shoot myself twice.

It’s not to bad bht the face ruins it

I hate evangelion. If you say you don't like it, the rabid fans just say it's 2deep4u.

It's definitely too deep for me. I'm not diving into a puddle of shit and piss.

Oh, I've seen you before. Do you post your stuff anywhere?

Why is there a metal gear on bottom right?

I like it because it looks cool and big humanoid mechs battling big ass aliens is rad af. I never gave a single fuck about Shinji's gay ass internal struggles.

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>ripped off
ah yes, I forgot the bible also had a SCREAMING DOUBLE PYRAMID


retard alert!

that's a bagena

All the archangels are described as abstract geometry.

Ramiel is overrated Arael is where it's at ok good day.
see if that works; that's where i archive all my stuff

faggots like you are why we get elves and orcs and that boring shit. You are an NPC programmed to enjoy only the most basic designs

>ah yes, I forgot the bible also had a SCREAMING DOUBLE PYRAMID

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>enemy is yet another levitating ball of flesh


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>a big spider, an amoeba, and geometric shapes

Zeno Clash

Did someone say levitating ball of flesh?

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>a circle
>a triangle
>a crab
>Nickelodeon logo
>BB logo
>a ring
Wow so unique

>game actually has interesting designs
>nobody notices because it's not tolkien fantasy but inspired by moebius instead

Attached: ortae4.jpg (1920x1080, 162.23K)

>gets criticized
>goes apeshit
take your meds kid lol

>you are a humanoid with a gun
>all your enemies are humanoids with guns

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What gaemu is this, onii-chan?

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