>crucifix does nothing
>On the Ouija Board it only answers age
Still the best spooky game this season, prove me wrong
>crucifix does nothing
>On the Ouija Board it only answers age
Still the best spooky game this season, prove me wrong
Smudge sticks
WHY does the Asylum exist? It's so fucking boring.
This game is my wet dream come true. I just wish it wasn't so glitchy. I know it's early access, but still.
sadly it's early access broken bullshit
>a multiplayer game i can play in vr with my mates non vr
Still glitchy as fuck and the character models are rigid statues, but the concept and atmosphere are great
Would love to see it in VR
Throw the crucifix on the floor it prevents a haunt from happening. Throw it down again after and you get a second use out of it then it vanishes.
I've gotten the ghost to tell me where it was before with the ouija board, it was in the same room as me
Fucking Christ.
>ask where it is
>L E F T C O R R I D O R
>figure it's one of the dozen rooms on that side
>round the corner as hunt mode goes off
>it literally patrols the fucking corridor
They really need to focus on smaller environments. The Asylum is legit too big.
I think a map of that size would be fine if the ghost could pop up around the map, or within a range of its home room. As the game is now, there's no strong fear of the ghost beyond its' room because you know it can't really go out it.
Even better though: Two ghosts.
Is not being able to get the last piece of fucking evidence a bug or just "ghost behavior"? I've had like 5 games in a row where I could only find 2 pieces of evidence and then I have to guess which ghost it is. I feel like it's a bug because when it doesn't happen I find all the evidence before or shortly after the first attack.
You're just being retarded.
Got that out of your system?
If you need spirit box you have to have the lights out. If you need writing or EMF you might need to say "give us a sign" before it triggers.
I haven't played Phasmophobia in nonVR yet because I just can't imagine not physically holding a flashlight so my allies can see me panic when a ghost goes hunting, lead to some hilarity already when my team snapped a bunch of panic photos during a hunt for evidence and it shows me in the background trying to bolt the fuck out the door
>ghost named michael jackson
>ask where it is
>ouija spelled out "boys bedroom"
Pretty sure this was intentional
big maps just need 2-3 ghosts in them
How extensive are the names for the ghosts considering they're using voice recognition as part of the game?
Apparently, Ghosts have trigger words that make them angry, some of them being "Spooky" "Scared" and "Run".
There are also some questions you can make around without the Spirit Box as well and sometimes even ask a ghost to open a door. If he does it or not depends on the AI goodwill that is and likely not being in a haunt
But dang this game is spooky fun, it doesn't rely on jumpscares and i love to get sum goosebumps everynow and then. If they add a abandoned warehouse into this game i will probably die of sheer anxiety due to early childhood trauma however
probably not especially extensive
but who knows they might have every common english name programmed in
The game needs an ending, learning what type of ghost it is and then just leaving is so anticlimactic. Exorcism when
The crucifix does work, you might just have to put down two because sometimes the ghost can manifest in multiple spots.
Today is the first time I've ran into a singing ghost after 50 hours put into it, followed by back to back singing ghosts. What's up with that?
>This is pretty fucking boring. These locations fucking suck.
>Unlock school
>Out fucking terrified
>Do the tutorial ghost a bunch
>There's always something stopping me from getting the 3rd evidence
>No spirit book writings even though I've left the book in the room where I've found the other shit, it was a spirit book ghost
>Fingerprint ghosts where there was fucking nothing, no doors, footsteps, light switches, windows, fucking nothing
>Find two pieces on tutorial ghost
>Follow ghost around with emf
>Know exactly where this ghost likes to hang
>Place camera aimed at these spots, turn of the lights and run inside
>Stare at nothing on night vision until ghost turns lights back on
>Run inside, reposition camera, run outside
>Stare at nothing on night vision until I give up and guess
>It was a ghost that had ghost orbs
I really want to like this game but it drives me fucking nuts fiddling with 3 of the five tools for like 10-15 minutes just for the game to call me dipshit.
I've had the ghost tell me where it is with the Ouji Board
game is fun but its got some problems
The ghost names are so obviously generated from a batch results in 'Thomas Thomas'
the walking vs running speed is just retarded and attrocious, the most maps are tiny and the ghosts can be somewhat slow so I see what balance they were trying to strike but it feels awful. Should have made the ghost faster when you run and let you run faster just to alleviate the insanely slow pace of exploration in larger maps.
The crucifix is insanely unintuitive and has a very small area of effect which sucks ass considering the ghosts sort of float around with various pathings.
The photographs don't sync well over multiplayer either, lots of photos don't show up the same or with the ghost on camera for some vs others.
The type of ghost is also somewhat pointless and the 'shade' seems bugged to be much more aggressive than aggressive ghoss like demons.
It's early access so hopefully some of this is address but if you've got 2-3 friends it's worth it.
imagine a fleshed out game of this where the ghosts had AI learning for the voice recognition / speaking to you
>do the training
>ok this isn't so scary
>do first mission
>enter some room and go scan around
>lights turn off, ghost appears in the middle and just stands there doing that Grudge gasping
>alt f4
Needs Forrest camp or graveyard/mausoleum
You could make it flag names that have been said in voice to use against players. A body possession mechanic that mimicked player movement would be awesome.
>ghost that can mimic player's voices after hearing them enough
>tfw that actually could be possible with all those trained AI that can create music from samples
pretty sure there are ones that mimic human speech as well
I'd like the idea of lesser "support" ghosts for larger levels that perform actions to make the hunter's lives harder, and require certain actions to exorcise it so you can continue hunting the target ghost.
A weeping angel mode would be nice.
Not from an indidev. You would need persistent accounts and servers to run the voice samples. Though you could do a scuffed voice and just run it through a distortion filter.
yea ofcourse, that's understandable, just speaking in terms what could be possible with technology and it would be nice to see some usage of it in the future
dev is still really based for making this solo
nigga that is terrifying
This game is fantastic in VR, I've never been scared from a game before this but it has gotten me good a few times now. The school and asylum levels are also nightmare fuel even if there weren't ghosts in them.