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Why don't people on Xbox play games?
David Sanchez
Blake Edwards
I'm playing it on Xbox right now
Grayson Reed
Crash was born on Playstation
Thomas King
Lincoln Bailey
That seems crazy but when you realize the PS4 sold more than double what the Xbone did, it makes sense.
Oliver Cooper
Christian Davis
I have seen plenty of normalfags being surprised by it being on Xbox. Despite Crash being a multiplat since 2001. Some people are just fucking stupid.
Aiden Lewis
Waiting for the SX version. Why buy now when you can buy the same port later at 30$ and play at 4k/60?
Andrew Watson
I'd rather play it now and there's probably gonna be a free upgrade. I know its Activision and CoD doesn't have a free upgrade but I doubt they'll get away with it for Crash.
William Hill
My guy friend gifted me it. I might play it
Alexander Davis
>my guy friend
Why did you specify that?
Are you...are you not a guy ?
Cooper Morgan
Unrealiable bullshit website. What was the old go to? My memory fades
Aiden Baker
Exactly. I only get gifts from guy friends
Jason Moore
Why are guys buying you games?
Parker James
They get me giftcards too cuz I'm a nice gamer gurl
Robert Nguyen
No seriously, why.
Daniel Long
Crash is a Snoy series
Jaxson Wood
hes from a another thread
hes a guy pretending to be a girl
and no lie, people actually buy him shit thinking he's a girl
Cooper Long
>the good crash games is a snoy seris
Jayden Hill
I can't make fun of him. I was a victim of that myself when I was in college.
Caleb Thompson
Too busy with game pass pal
Christian Nguyen
This was my plan as well
Austin Taylor
Because nobody owns an Xbox
Luis Watson
You're forgetting that there are not an equal amount of PS4's and Xbox One's out in the wild.
Every fucking game is going to sell 82% better on the PS4.
Jose Baker
>Every fucking game is going to sell 82% better on the PS4.
That's implying everyone buys the same game. That's not how percentages work user.
Owen Richardson
Crash has no value to anyone without severe nostalgiafaggotry.
Brody Bailey
>citation needed
Cameron Evans
Big brains do
Easton Bailey
See OP.
Mason Cook
We're playing fun games like Halo Wars 2
Chase Fisher
I'm not getting where the nostalgia comment is coming from based from OP's post.
No where does it imply it's based on nostalgia. You're just being a jaded piece of shit.
Daniel Long
>playstation exclusive franchise for decades
>why does it sell more on playstation
Liam Bailey
Crash was only Playstation-exclusive for 5 years, retarded zoomer.
Joshua Diaz
Bootleg shovelware is traditionally a Sony IP. I'm not jaded.
Bentley Gomez
Not him but hr was still the closest thing to a mascot
Gabriel Wood
What are you even talking about?
Jason Allen
Take your ADHD pills.
James Bailey
Learn to read and stay on topic.
I'll ask again: Where in OP's pic say anything about nostalgia being a factor?
Jace Robinson
My bad, you are retarded. You can't draw the simplest conclusions without someone holding your hand.
Dominic Taylor
I'm noticing you can't answer simple questions and keep moving the goalposts. Want to make it anymore obvious you're too stupid to back up your own statements?
Eli Hughes
Because they're waiting for the switch port.