Why the fuck hasn't there been a legitimate Death Note videogame...

Why the fuck hasn't there been a legitimate Death Note videogame? Just imagine a game where you play as Light and have to succeed in taking over the world. Make the wrong decision and L catches you.

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VNs aren't games and that would be the only medium appropriate.

Wasn't there a DS game that let you do that?

because that sounds like a visual novel

I was thinking something like persona where you have different hub areas to explore. one area is his house, store, university, train station, and police station.

Obra Dinn dev should do a Death Note social mystery/puzzle game with original characters so people dont know their names and have to figure them out to murder them with the Death Note. Would be a risk but I think the dude would kill it

sounds good someone dm him

Light lost because he wanted to lose. He put ego above his goals.

Throwing this out there. The debate in Death Note does not boil down to whether Light was right or not. He died because not even he was suitable for the society he was creating. Not only that, it wasn't even about making the world a better place. It becomes increasingly obvious while reading the manga that he's a psychopath on an ego trip. He never says anything nice about ANYONE unless it's to prop himself up even higher. He only compliments L as being a genius AFTER L dies just so he can claim that he was superior to his compliment. He shows no respect to any other human being barring a couple moments with his father, which may have been his singular humanizing trait. When his sister is kidnapped, he's only concerned with how it's a setback to him because he has to keep up his image. Never once does he think "I hope my sister is okay".

And the thing is that Light would have turned out corrupt no matter what. It wasn't the Death Note that corrupted him. It was power. He's narcissistic and all of his personal relationships are completely fake and only used for personal gain. Even when he doesn't have his memories, he has no attachment to others and only uses them. He was perfectly willing to kill good people without remorse just because they chose to not follow him. Everything was for his own power fantasy, and he was a despicable person with a flimsy pretext. Notice that not once does he ever have a moral debate with himself over killing anybody, and he keeps tightening his standards so that only those who worship him remain. The fucking President got killed and replaced with a Kira supporter.

>It becomes increasingly obvious while reading the manga that he's a psychopath on an ego trip.
Yeah that's kind of the point. He's an edgy arrogant teenager who thinks he knows exactly how reality works.

Because it doesn’t fall into the easy template of musou, arena fighter, or bad RPG

There wouldn’t be any gameplay. Write a name in a book? Lmao have fun with that

>write the last bosses name in the book

I thought he lost because the thing is literally rigged to make anyone who uses it lose eventually.

>Forget to eat potato chip
>Japanese glowies are now at your house
It would be too hard. Your average gamer is not as intellectually astute as Light.

It just shocks me at how many people think that Light should have won because they think he was in the right.

Light was never in the right when his morality was exclusively used to elevate himself. I also wanted to throw out there that the Netflix Death Note movie is actually a pretty good Death Note story, and it just got trashed because it was an Americanized Death Note and was different. I watched it after properly reading the manga and I thought it had a pretty good understanding of the series. The only thing it should have done is change the title to Death Note Gaiden or something. It works as its own thing, but people expected a perfect recreation of the anime.

Every user is destined to have their name written in the book by a Shinigami or die earlier, but Ryuk lets Light go on as long as he feels like he offers entertainment.

Yes, but I don't think the author was implying or trying to spin even once that Light was in the right here or he is correct. If you think about it, the world he was trying to create was pretty fucking crazy. You get killed if you are alleged with crime, no due process. That's absolutely bonkers, it never even was an argument.

It doesn’t make sense that American Light is a dumb loser up all the way up until the very end where suddenly pulls off a just as planned

You have shit taste. Even as its own story it sucks. The acting and dialogue are Troll 2 tier. Get fucked, contrarian retard

>The american death note movie was good
Lmao, no, it really was not.

>it had a pretty good understanding of the series


>turn L black
>give him a gun and make him violent
What did they mean by this?

what would u do write names in a book... stupid

I mean it had a pretty good understanding of the concepts of the series if they happened in a real environment. Like the fact that the Death Note has hundreds of rules that aren't actually used but appear at the end of every volume. Ryuk was also spot-on. I don't think L should have been called L and I don't think Light should have been called Light. Call him Lucas as an homage (from lux; light), but I did not see it as an adaptation of an existing story.

I think it was okay to have one particularly notable keikaku on his part, like as an implication as to what he could become, but the actual Light in the movie was Mia. Everyone treated her as the Misa, but the roles were completely reversed. Light was the one who was being used by a psychopath that took advantage of his feelings in a way that made her seem genuine. I thought that was the real twist of the movie.

There were a number of issues that I was able to just accept with the original Death Note (completely static characters, walls of expostion every chapter, needing a spreadsheet to keep track of who knows what), and while the Netflix Death Note does have issues itself, it managed to fix a number of issues I had with the original.

I just wanted Light to win because it's fun to see a charismatic asshole come out on top sometimes.
I knew his downfall was inevitable, but I still felt empty after it happened.

>Netflix Death Note movie is actually a pretty good
Yikes dude

Wrong post user. I'm not going to defend any live action iteration of Death Note.

I think it's interesting in concept, but I felt that they kind of failed to make Light likable as a person. I remember liking him in the anime when I was 13 or 14 and thinking he could have ended up being a much better person without the Death Note, but I don't feel that at all in the manga. I was actively rooting against him more often than not because there was nothing I liked about him. Like I really wanted to see some level of humanizing trait that I could latch onto and feel some sympathy towards, but it's just not there. I was laughing when he was getting screwed over from all sides with the Americans using the ICBMs and Light having no real idea on how he could play with the big dogs. They just toyed with him and mocked him and it drove him nuts. I would be fine with the bad guy being the victor if that bad guy was actually treated as a necessary evil within the story. But because Death Note's characters are completely static, they don't change once they're introduced. L is always the astute detective. Matsuda is always the rookie. Light is always the inhuman opposite yet equal to L. Soichiro is always the stern but well-meaning father with a penchant for justice. They can be entertaining, but I get more entertainment from the ridiculous keikau moments because none of the characters will ever change.

And that's one of the things I liked about Light in the Netflix movie. He felt like a character who had a heart, who had a sense of morality, who could change for the better or for the worse. He could become a genuine killer, he has that element to him, but within the context of the film, he gets in over his head. This is why I'm saying he shouldn't have been called Light because everyone is going to compare him to the original character. They shouldn't have built up the "L" of this movie to be the world's greatest detective. I would have been fine if he was just a conspiracy theorist who just happened to connect the dots.

And speaking of the other live action adaptations, that is exactly what I didn't want. I did not want another story that tells, beat for beat, Light doing the same thing we've heard again and again and know to death, and anyone who does want the manga or anime as a 1:1 live adaptation is a moron. What can it bring that those mediums can't?

Call it Death Note X or Death Note USA or Death Note Gaiden and just drop the familar character names minus Ryuk.

Light in the movie was a fucking retard. And that's not comparing him to the genius he's supposed to be, hes literally retarded
>Literally kills his bully with the death note
>Upon finding out the death note is real he goes to Mia, a girl hes not even fucking friends with and tells her "hey I can kill people haha, wanna kill together and bang?"
>Makes no moves at all to hide this incredibly powerful tool from Mia after getting her involved ENTIRELY because he had a boner for her
>When L confronts light he basically says "maybe I am Kira, so what lmao no proof"
>Kills Watari (just Watari, no last name lmao. Why exactly was L hiding his identity when he had his right hand man with no mask giving out his real name when they knew kira needed a name and face?) Trying to get Ls name and fails
>At the end of the chase sequence Light is saved by a Kira worshiper who knocks L out, but light doesnt kill L or even tell the worshiper to kill him for him, just runs away leaving L to pursue him later
>His grand "plan" in the end was literally writing a paragraph about how it all works out for him in the end
It was a shit movie and you're dumb for liking it

>I watched it after properly reading the manga and I thought it had a pretty good understanding of the series

>turn Light into horny loser
>insert made up rule Light made in the manga into movie
>black L

yeah no

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>the live action death notes are beat for beat remake

There were 3 of them.
All by Konami.

Literally how do you even adapt this?

At best you can make a visual novel out of it but that sounds really lame and we already have so much rehashes