>the secret of monkey island combat
The secret of monkey island combat
Nice image.
I like the idea of the pirate insult battle, but on multiple plays is a bit tiresome
It's not really a combat system, anyway. It's a straight up puzzle.
How about we make a pokemon matchup chart out of shitty low quality generic insults
sneed beats all
yikes and cringe are basically the same reactions
best thread i have seen in this year
>Play Escape
>Monkey Kombat
all of these are mega cringe and make you sound angry
spotted the newfag.
I wish people on Zig Forums insulted like the pirates from MK instead of spamming the same old tired buzzwords
have sex
get aids
stop having anal sex immediately
the solution,filter these buzzwords asap.
yikes gets beaten by everything who the fuck says it that isn't a twitter tranny
Are you blind?
A genshin impact thread died for this shit fucking thread. Jesus Christ Zig Forums is dead
saved for future use.
have sex incel
You fight like a dairy farmer
get aids loser.
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blind confirmed