

Attached: svs.png (1919x1079, 2.61M)

Both are shit.


t. Xbot

this, but inverse

> garbage story shoved down my throat with unskippable cutscenes
> linear dungeons with the most boring design on the planet, literally mob galleries
> handholding through every single fucking mechanic in the game explained by a tutorial screen with a kilometer long description and a video
> loot chests hanging out everywhere in the open filled to the brim with boring ass XP boosts, you don't even have to try to locate them
> most of the game world is xp-gated through grind
> nonexistent physics system
> locked to 60 FPS on PC


25 social credit has been deposited to your account

>combat as deep as DMC
>next gen visuals
>fair and healthy gacha elements
>cute girls
what's not to like? if you dont like it you're probably a sjw and you need to fuck right off my Zig Forums

how does a chink f2p btfo of a billion dollar game company?

I see the only way to enjoy Genshin Impact is if you have a hate boner for Nintendo.

which is funny because its coming to the Switch aswell

go to bed.

>Gacha fiends avoid it like the plague for its egregious rates because they've been around the block and know how Jewish the practices really get
>The clueless western masses gobble it up because pretty graphics
Really makes you think

Niggy why are you spamming the board with these bait threads?

动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

Even then it's not foolproof. I hate Nintendo and still don't care for Gacha Impact.

You can't do this in Genshin Impact.

Attached: 1489289030000.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Attached: 1601964381346.jpg (330x630, 73.19K)

Fuck off chink shill

>what's not to like?
The fair and healthy gacha elements.

so there's absolutely no fucking reason to get it unless you're such a retard you have enough money for Switch, but not enough for one of its best exclusive games

Well duh GI doesn't even have physics in it

>But since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I did not care for Breath of the Wild
>Did not care for Breath of the Wild.
>How can you even say that, dad?
>Didn't like it.
>Peter, it's so good! It's like the perfect game!
>This is what everyone always said. Whenever they say...
>Completely nonlinear, climbable walls, I mean, you never see- chemistry engine!
>Fine. Fine. Fine mechanics, did not like the game.
>Why not?
>Did not...couldn't get into it.
>Explain yourself. What didn't you like about it?
>It insists upon itself.
>It insists upon itself.
>What does that even mean?
>Because it has a valid point to make, it's insistent!
>It takes forever getting in; you spend like six and a half hours finding seeds... You know, I can't get through, I've never even finished the game. I've never seen the ending.
>You've never seen the ending?!
>How can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?
>I agree with Stewie. It's not even fair.
>I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it, and I get to the part where you're riding on the fish guy's back to break the ice blocks.
>Yeah, it's a great part. I love that part.
>I have no idea what the point is. It's like I'm not even playing Zel- You know, that's where I lose interest in it.
>You know what, Peter-
>You're playing with physics!
>The gameplay you're playing is demonstrating the subtlety of the mechanics; it's something you don't understand.
>I love Twilight Princess. That is my answer to that statement.
>Well, there you go.
>I like that game too.

Attached: botw.png (954x720, 37.79K)

This is also the reason why I can't get into Genshin

Hey this comic reminds me of how Zig Forums reacted to BotW.
>You guys know that the reviews were paid right?
>It's just empty!

they're fair and honest though, they're optional and you dont have to ever spend money
you can beat everything with free characters

Ur mom will die in her sleep tonight.
Mother fucker.

why did you call game without any details as soul and the other one with plenty of details and cool mechanics as soulless

You can't do this in Genshin Impact

Attached: 1508926065060.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

have you ever looked out your window homie, distance haze is necessary otherwise it looks terrible with no depth.

If you think it's a bit extreme on these games I'd agree but you need it.

Go look at uncharted 4 for a good implementation.

Attached: cms.0UT4FWTj6ZT_Pd9XivAQ-collection_cover[1].jpg (1009x600, 102.12K)

>prop surfing in 2020

is this supposed to be impressive?

Attached: cat.jpg (500x456, 41.26K)

seething trannyfags will still defend GI because it has kawaii gacha anime girls for cooming

>combat as deep as DMC

Would have taken less time to paraglide down.

>Impling BOTW isn't a tranny game

yes it just goes to show how all of these open world games are boring and completely interchangeable FOTMs.

genshin has the superior combat though

Attached: 1601908309180.webm (432x400, 2.99M)

stop making the same thread you fucking CCP weeaboo

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.10.03 - (1920x1080, 2.86M)

I still can't believe a chink ripoff is surpassing botw this hard, nintendies on suicide watch

Attached: 1588016520542.png (564x538, 460.68K)

It's impressive that Genshit Impact can't do it.

It's the truth, both are fine, but BOTW ruins the legacy of Zelda.

it has literally vergil, except its a cute anime girl which is more revolutionary than anything dmc ever did

Nice buggy game lol

97, Chang. 97 ;)

This is kinda why I don't really see why Genshin and BoTW are compared so much. Genshin clearly isn't trying to accomplish the same goal as BoTW: that being player freedom.


It's not a bug.
Shit like that is what the Stasis Tool is designed to do.

to make you seethe

Is there somewhere to get screenshots from genshin so I can steal the colours? I really like them and how the world is done. I don't want to actually install and play it though.

Why is it taking so long to kill (what look like) basic enemies?


>combat as deep as DMC
I can't tell if this is irony or not.
DMC combat is not deep, you just have a lot of options.

Nigger you havent even played DMC

They're both lame so I'm not surprised they'd need the same comic

Sure bro lol

>>combat as deep as DMC
I like the game but this is just disingenuous. You don't even have air attacks.

>the combat is good because it has a bunch of meaningless flashy moves and numbers everywhere
you're fucking kidding, right?

DMC has a superior combat

>Look at gameplay
>Its literally the same gameplay as every other """action""" mobile game
Do people really actually enjoy playing this. I mean i would take an autobattler over this. Then at least i dont have to mash the attack mindlessly

Of course it surpasses it, retard. Botw is a fucking exclusive, while Genshit is on most platforms. I will never understand this fucking console exclusive bullshit, but hey the shittiest industry has to produce shit right?

>It..It's not spyware! Shut up!!
>No the combats deep you don't just mash buttons and the animations aren't copied I swear your eyes are just bad fuck you

nah I'm good. you can have fun with your chink coomer shit, I really dont mind, just stop shilling it here

>combat as deep as DMC
made me reply/10

What's so pandering towards trannies in BotW? Link is an androgynous character (always has been) that makes cool use of a mechanic when you try to get into Gerudo City.
It absolutely makes sense within the context of the game and is not trying to shove any kind of leftcuck tranny propaganda in with 58 gender pronouns like every other fucking western game that comes out nowadays.

oh the cope

BoTW needs elemental boomerang weapons. I want to freeze a line of enemies with a single toss.

seething botwtard

Wouldn't be that cool

oh the arrest.

based op butt fucking nintendo faggots this hard

Attached: 1587002330562.jpg (410x598, 39.97K)

>cropping off the sides of the video to hide the interface so people won't see that the player is just spamming one button ad nauseam and popping their ult at the end (all just to kill two generic slimes lmao)

Attached: 1482930175921.png (225x225, 6.41K)

Is that game breaking?

Because whoever made this webm is horrible at the game. Slimes shouldnt take your ult ability and more than 5 seconds to deal with.

>cropped out UI reveals you only mashed one button to make sparkly animations happen.

>I love Twilight Princess. That is my answer to that statement
holy shit what a chad

That's on the level of faggots throwing barrels around in Crysis pretending the game is fun.

breaking is one of the game's feature kek

If it wasn't meant to go flying, then they wouldn't have coded that massive fucking arrow that shows you the trajectory of where it will go.

You fags aren't even trying.

combat is pressing 3 different buttons, only a retard would be impressed by it

Wow that looks like shit
What's the point of anime girls except to gather the pedo audience?

Shitposting in favor of this game must be the easiest way to farm (You)'s currently. Especially when you call BotW shit in comparison.

Attached: IMG-20200921-WA0008.jpg (802x840, 234.43K)

>nigger gets angry that a time and momentum stopping tool works as it should

one of the coolest parts of this game is watching people show off all the goofy shit they discovered like this. I fucking love it

BOTW ruined the legacy and future of Zelda, we will never get a regular Zelda game again because of it. Even the 2D games are ruined.

Attached: Homer_Mad_At_The_Raven.jpg (300x300, 12.28K)

>game is all about breaking the rules and doing things your way
damn that sounds fun as fuck
where can I buy this game?

man I can see the seethe from way over here, need to chill a bit user

seething dmcucks, how does it feel knowing your shitty irrelevant game isnt talked about anymore while genshin is all over the internet and here to stay?
soon all the combo video people will move on to genshin too, its only a matter of time
hell, the best dmc game is a gacha action like genshin already lol, although its not as good as genshin, but way better than any of the other shit in the series

Wasn't BoTW also given out early to speedrunners, and this trick was essential to getting to hyrule castle as fast as possible?

>correcting somebody's misconception is "seethe"
alright buddy

over at your local garbage bin lmao

>anime dynasty warriors combat
have fun watching the same combos repeat ad nauseum until your enemy dies 3 minutes later due to being a damage sponge. At least dynasty warriors was fun 20 years ago

wow, you spam 2 buttons over and over on a touchscreen

Attached: a989b5ba-474a-4e8f-a506-7635f009aab8.png (268x220, 36.08K)

The "burn" doesn't even work here because Nintendo are jews and keep their games at full prices long after release.

It's an ancient havok physic bug that allows you to surf objects that you shouldn't be able to.

Both look like Fortnite shit for kids

>combat is autoattacks and swapping between characters that have like 2 abilites each
>this is supposed to be impressive
Did you fags never played an actual action game or something? This is some babby shit.

Attached: Png.jpg (920x770, 152.45K)

Nigger GI's combat is you literally spamming 2 buttons at most, its more like Musou games than anything

>combo video people

I'm not your buddy guy.

>FOMO FOTM Gambling addict seething

Attached: 1530849451545.jpg (1280x720, 87.53K)

you mean the game that hasn't dropped a cent in price since 2017 and still sells like hotcakes because it's so good? #4 topseller on the system

>Changs ignored this post
I accept your concession.

>object moves
>stand on top of object when it's moving
>move along with the object
>this is a bug

Attached: 1445837506318.jpg (485x480, 60.65K)

You forgot that is a game for faggots who likes to wear high sockets
Yet you call others SJW you fucking faggot, I wish I could open up your asshole you with a burning rod.

Don't worry, one day Breath of the Wild will be old and there will newer Zelda games, and then suddenly BotW will magically have soul

no it doesnt, it has combos and they actually look cool unlike dmc which just looks autistic

>my chink coomer bait is not shit I swear

Attached: dogo.gif (500x430, 1.51M)

Looks better on PC

Attached: CEMUBOTW.jpg (1920x1080, 254.78K)

>regular zelda game
when was the last one of those? Ocarina?

>calling DMC autistic while shilling for chink assetflip that tries its hardest to be Japanese

Attached: This+got+me+good+_e5f598389ed89b2aeeee8568fe546756.gif (326x304, 620.8K)

cars are a fucking hoax irl confirmed

chinks are subhuman

Attached: 1601363691746.gif (100x160, 535.54K)

Switch to pro mode for better screenshots my guy.

>dmc which just looks autistic
So this... is the power... of chink shills... not bad....


are you blind?

The stasis shit only exists for physics puzzle purposes, you're not supposed to be able to launch yourself so fast that you break the LoD and texture streaming with it. 9 times out of 10 the object will accelerate out from under you without carrying you unless you have speedrunner autist positioning.

At least mob enemies arent damage sponges in warrior games
