Check it because everyone talks about it

>check it because everyone talks about it
>it's a literal chinese free gacha game developed by a company with history with tencent
You are all fucking retarded.

Attached: genshin-impact-cover-3.jpg (1920x1080, 183.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>check it out
>doesn't actually check it out

>You are all fucking retarded.
>except me
>look how smart I am
>I even made this post all by myself!

i'm hijacking the thread since it's a useless bait anyways, how do i get the free gibs i've seen people talk about? supposedly it's the last week to get them

at least i don't play obvious chink tencent spyware
fucking consoomer teenagers

It's literally just chinese paid shills making threads about it and vapid retarded morons falling for it.

People who play trash like this are literally subhuman.

I think they mean the noelle summon which guarantees atleast one 4*

go suck trump dick nigger

probably just means beginners wishes and the free shit you get in your mail for signing up

You fell for the shilling. So that really makes you retarded.

There's a thing in the adventure journal about it.
Basically, reach adventure rank 20 and beat floor 3-3 in the Abyss.
You should have quite a few free things along the way by then. You get Barbara at 20 instantly (unlisted for some reason) and beating 3-3 gives you Xiangling

>>check it because everyone talks about it
You mean chink shills on Zig Forums and youtubers/twitchers paid to play it?

yeah it sucks theres absolutely nothing special about it

the popularity here shows that a ton of Zig Forums arent "gamers" at all, just bored people who will do any addictive activity

most people here wouldn't have played video games back in the day when it was not socially acceptable

Look up the AR7 26 minute reroll speedrun guide on youtube, that takes you through most of the freebies. The only other ones I can think of are another 10 free rolls at AR10 and a free healer character at AR20.

>your game's bad!!!!!
>it's spyware!!!!!
That was 1) speculation, 2) weeks ago. Catch up already.
>it's gacha shit!!!!!
It's free to play and if you just want to explore the world you don't have to spend a single cent.
>b-b-but tencent!!!!!
Oh right, only infallibly honorable Americans can buy out companies and monopoly.
>botw is better!!!!!
So play that instead and be happy instead of trolling on Zig Forums.

Face it, the only reason you dislike Genshin Impact is because you're racist towards Chinamen.

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I think it's cute and fun

Attached: kkk.jpg (3840x2160, 1.18M)

How can a chinaman by racist against other chinamen?

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Every single thread is made by shills if you don't like the game, because if you don't like it there's no way anyone else legitimately does. Imagine being this delusional.

>durr how can someone of a race be racist against their own race i'm a big retard and i think this position is a checkmate

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Open your mail
Reach AR 20
Do Abyss 3-3

I see there is a 4 star bow from beating 'a long shot'. Where exactly do i start this quest?

>Reach AR 20
How long does this take? I've been playing for like 3 hours and I'm only 7.

should i actually try to roll a 5* or is this more effort than it's worth?

Attached: jank.jpg (1233x676, 92.75K)

I never played a gacha game, how does it work? is this not a skill based third person hack and slash game? do you roll stats on your characters?

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What's the dragon do?

If you have time to kill then I'd recommend at least rerolling a few times and then picking the best account you get, even if you don't care for a 5*.

Not him but I tried rerolling only once and I didn’t get a single character, only weapons
I don’t think I’m lucky at this kind of game so I don’t want to spend days trying to have something, it’s not fun
On my first account i only rolled the free characters...

swing at ghosts more, schizo

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That is bundled with rootkit that runs in kernel, even though the game itself does lots of checks in the server side already. Why do idiots eat this shit?

>b-but they prevent cheaters!
They don't
>b-but they are harmless
They aren't

Gacha is to get new characters. Some characters are better than others, both in their stats and their actual abilities. It's like how Xenoblade 2 works but actually paid.

I don't understand people who play games that are designed to leech as much money as possible out of you. Why would I play a game like this when I can play any number of $15-$60 games that will hold my attention for just as long?

Imagine using Windows as your primary OS instead of a dual boot for the sole purpose of playing games.
Chinks can't steal shit if there's nothing to steal.

hmm i actually thought the blade system was pretty cool if it was updated a bit so that you could work to get the blade you want eventually. but that was also without paying for it tho

An actual fucking schizo on Zig Forums bros

yeah, the trick is to not get too invested in getting a certain character and just work with what you get. gunning for a particular character or build is the path to whaledom.

I actually don't run windows at all, but the thing would ironically prevent me from playing the game through wine.

Surprise surprise, it was just paid shills all along.
Look how defensive they've gotten over your little critcism and look how hard they're trying to shut you down.
Have you ever seen a game get this much moral support on Zig Forums?

Unless of course I actually bypass it, with some simple assembly edits. And in case it relies on sending heartbeats to server, I could run the service in vm, and make it communicate through socket and server would think everything's okay.

The problem is if they detect it, you get banned.

>if you argue against me, I win
take your meds

There's another one

what arguments? There's no counter arguments at all. It's just shills crying over being game being called out for being shit.

Because some of us have self-restraint. You can play the vast majority of worthwhile content in this game for free if you want, the only reason to pay is if you want to do more gacha or higher level challenges. It's basically a free AA action RPG with a BOTW style overworld.

They can't detect it. There's always way to defeat system like this if it runs on your PC. Xigncode can be defeated same way by letting the actual rootkit run in VM and communicate with fake xigncode that just proxies the shit from the vm to the game (which eventually sends some handshakes to server), and it will think your PC is just clean and nothing suspicious happens. But I doubt the myhprotect goes even to these lengths.

>there's always at least five genshin threads up at all times

>If you disagree with me it means you know I'm right!

Attached: - umad.jpg (1360x868, 91.2K)

Damn, i want to fuck that dragon.

It's just like how you viral marketers always assume anybody that argues with you is inherently a nintendie.
Fuck off, changs.

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>There's no counter arguments at all.
You need to have arguments in order to have counter-arguments did that post accuse someone of being a nintendie? You literally just called yourself out lmao, and admitted to being an autist on meds too.