>10 threads up of a chinese f2p gacha mobile game
What the fuck is going on?
10 threads up of a chinese f2p gacha mobile game
Other urls found in this thread:
ummmm sweetie, can you stop the racism? kthx
I literally got banned for "racism outside of Zig Forums" for complaining about these threads.
Mods are deep in Pooh's pocket.
shills and PC player with no games.
Just downroad the game white boi
chinskshills at full force
jannies are too busy dilating
Unironic chink shills wanting you to install their "anticheat"
My esteemed god emperor assures me this is normal hype on a normal chinese owned dog eating forum
>new game comes out
>graphics are decent, gameplay is pretty good
>people play it
>people like it
>people understandably make threads about it
never change, schizos
Do you even know how autistic chinese shills are?
Uh oh lads, we’ve reeled one in!
Ah yes, the horrendous cheating in a SP game. Must go to great lengths to stop this grotest behavior before it causes trillions of other players grief!
Zig Forums has never made more than one thread at a time for a f2p chinese mobile gacha game.
This is not typical Zig Forums behaviour. This is marketing shills.
chink NIGGERS need to be shot to death
Co-op game with leaderboards. The main monetization of it is gambling for powerful characters and weapons. If you could just cheat them in, there'd be no point to their monetization. And the Chinese honestly believe that if you can, you should cheat.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooonooooooooooooo you cant be racist jannies WHERE ARE YOU NONNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
It shouldnt be illegal to lynch yellow niggers
Current Zig Forums theme.
I miss Smash threads
same, i take back everything bad i ever said about smash and minecraft
even vtuber fags show more restraint
A smash thread died for these
They need to be moved to /trash/ or /vg/
wumao are obligated to shill for this gachashit
Gacha shit isnt really games tho
Its just poor coomer bait
Tencent money is strong
China numbah one
You know people could just learn to use the catalog first instead of having to make a thread whenever they want to discuss something
China numba for
Taiwan numba one
we get paid per post
Zig Forums - Genshin Impacts
would you have believed me if i said ten years ago that Zig Forums would one day be flooded with an excess of mobage threads