Soon the tetrad is complete

Soon the tetrad is complete.

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shit like this is why everybody hates genofags
stop shoving your literal who from a 24 year old game in with characters who were actually relevant at some point in vidya history

Unironically, I believe Geno and Waluigi are a shoe-in for the next characters.
Waluigi I 100% believe is in. Nintendo has no no-doubt gotten awareness of the character, and have definitely already told Sakurai.
Geno, Sakurai knows personally, and just like Steve has been around forever, Geno has literally been since Melee. I defy you to convince me why hes not gonna be in, and I'm not a 'Genofag' at all. Havent even played Super Mario RPG.

And a Gen 8 rep is the next spot. But I'll concede I'm not 100% conviced Gen 8 will get a rep.

So really...there's only one slot left. Who is it, lads?

ecelebs made genofags look even more delusional and autistic. i feel bad for you fuckers.

Next characters are Gooigi and Robo Mario.

I'm convinced now that Geno's going to end up being a Bomberman-quality Mii Costume with a music track or two rather than a full character.

>Sakurai unveils the final fighter
>its whatever hype character people have requested since melee
>internet goes obviously nuts
>Sakurai talks and discusses the character in one big direct
>the hype dies down towards the end, as we learn and settle with the character
>The fighters pass has officially ended...but..
>in celebration of the Olympics 2021, Tokyo Olympics has partenered with Nintendo to bring a special character to smash to promote the 2021 Tokyo Olympics...please enjoy!

>Animation starts. The entire smash cast is getting ready to run a race. All of them hopping on the spot, preparing, Wii Fit trainer looks in the game, Mario stretches his arms and legs, Sonic kicks his red trainers and loosens up with a smug grin...
>go through the entire cast in one large camera pan...til we reach the end, with an orange gi wearing character
>The man does a signature jump and stretch we all know him for
>puts on signature ready to compete pose
>"alright guys lets give it are all"

Son Goku shows some spirit!
>montage of Goku decimating the characters in most sports and then on stages, and DB places such as Capsule City and Namek

Attached: goku-realistic-datrinti.jpg (1080x1141, 92.67K)

>Havent even played Super Mario RPG.
So typical Genofag then.

>Waluigi will be in
How? Masa already made him an assist trophy in this.

If a Tokyo 2021 promotion will be in Smash, then that also include Naruto, Luffy And Sailor Moon.

but Goku is obviously the main choice, IF a tokyo 2021 promotion is happening.

>and just like Steve has been around forever
Dumb zoomer, Minecraft isn't even that ol...

That's okay, just remember that Trash Bandicoot will NEVER be in Smash.

This. I don't get the obsession with this faggot puppet from a shitty SNES game. It's just so fucking random, like wanting Don Pianta in Smash.

As bad as Banjoke was, at least he was the protagonist of his own game series. Genope doesn't even have that.

What's more is that if you excluded Banjo from a line-up of popular N64 characters his absence would be felt, if you made a line-up of popular SNES characters would anyone even notice if Geno wasn't there?

You notice how the 3 characters who made it in the game don't even get played or discussed very often, if Geno makes it in I guarantee you he'll suffer the same fate.

>Waluigi I 100% believe is in. Nintendo has no no-doubt gotten awareness of the character, and have definitely already told Sakurai.

Fawful is a WAY better nintendo RPG rep than Geno

Geno isn't even in the game yet and he's more of a SSB character than Min-Min, Terry, Piranha Plant, Corrin, etc

Looking forward to all the memes about Geno's amiibo when gets in.

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Geno? More like pee-no (as in, no thanks)

King Boo will be the Mario rep, he's a relevant and recurring final boss of a very popular series.

Nah there's only one Japanese icon who can represent Tokyo.

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Ask literally 99% of gamers who Geno is and they have no fucking clue. At least people played Banjo, DKC, and Metroid. SMRPG sold like 2M copies at best.

too small sorry

Is there a bigger anti-hype character than Waluigi? Literally Byleth-tier.

We're talking about a game where Pikachu and Jigglypuff are the same size as Mario.

What memes?

Nintendo didn't even bother including his cameo in the Super Star remake, what makes you delusional retards think they'll waste a character slot on him?

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I don’t care if Geno becomes a fighter or doesn’t, but I feel like most people only want it to happen solely for hype bandwagon points, not because they Genuinely like the character itself. No doubt those same people would move on to the next fighter meme if we get any closure to this one.

Thats a side effect of the N64's small library so many people probably had the same games. SNES had so many games not everyone had the same ones, maybe one dude had Crono Trigger while another had Aero the Acro Bat

Phoenix Wright would be a better pick.