Have you ever gone to a gaming convention?

Was it worth going to? Did you meet cool well adjusted people and see cool games?

Attached: DB5456D2-201F-4B6A-AE92-A119985CF9B4.jpg (885x750, 408.38K)

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ah yes, quite pungent indeed

was he a sniffer or a good boi returning loss items, or both?

Attached: sniff.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

Post the chad who has a girl sit next to him and instantly chats her up yet in the next webm he shoos a tranny a seat away from him. That guy always cracks me up.

never seen it

why do parents allow their sons to end up like this

here's the one with the tranny, I'll try to find the other one

Attached: 1578670732374.webm (376x462, 1.94M)

Attached: AGDQ 2017.webm (1280x720, 2.11M)

huh, that was surprisingly easy to find through the archive

Attached: 1578411783584.webm (528x398, 1.23M)

that guy has some severe 'tism

This is how everyone feels about trannies.

Can we get this AI upscaled?


damn that chick is one of those rare fat cuties whos fat is no where on her face

based autistic alphachad. He has more confidence than a lot of no autists out there.

Attached: 1593966047053.jpg (1024x958, 71.29K)

Nice to see the woman being so friendly and nice to him

Needs to be enhanced more.

Attached: Ladies.webm (1272x462, 2.24M)

Zig Forums hates him
find out how this autist confidently talks to women and repels trannies in two easy steps

Are there any normal people at these gatherings? Jesus, it's like an accident. Gruesome but interesting to watch nonetheless

I was too busy watching the budding friendship in the front to notice the gaggle of speedrunners walking in the back.

pedophilia in plain sight

Attached: PUPPEH.webm (578x262, 2.95M)

Its a hobby dedicated to spending hours exploiting video games to shave off fractions of a second. You gotta be a little retarded to end up there

I don't get it, what's the trend with young men dressing up as old ladies on a speedrun convention

People whose only hobby is videogames past the age of 13 are inherently not normal.

>Are there any normal people interested in performing the same repetitive tasks over and over for hundreds of hours just to see if they can complete said repetitive task quicker than last time?
What do you think?

Attached: 820.jpg (600x367, 27.63K)


who was the big breasted goddess next to him

I've gone to watch a few live events for League of Legends , and they've always been fun. I went to Korea a few years ago, and went up and spoke to any other white people I saw between games, almost all of them were cool, we hung out a few times after

>God I wish that were me


There was a tweet from her saying “how could you guys humiliate that guy like that he was just trying to return something i dropped under my seat blah blah blah” If that gives you a hint maybe you can find her idk

>Something crazy ended up happening in the game we were playing and since I was a hyper kid I ran into the hallway towards the bathroom away from the main room we were all playing in as like a joke pop off. Cinnamon, who was pretty drunk at the time, then ran after me and tackled me to the ground and started to make out with me while laying on top of me. That incident probably happened for about 15-20 seconds and then after we just went back and kept playing. I was pretty much just in shock the entire time it was happening. I wasn’t really opposed to it though since I was 14 at the time and I liked her a lot. We spent basically every week together during that summer so that on top of the sexual things we would do made me start to develop pretty strong feelings towards her. That was one of many times I had a sexual experience with her, but I’m not going to go into details about every single time since some of them are a blur in my mind and I only remember probably 3 or 4 times vividly. We would usually sleep together most nights after the first incident happened and we would kiss a lot and cuddle during those nights. Our sexual relationship escalated as far as oral sex, but never as far as sexual intercourse.

Attached: Pp.webm (122x172, 1.82M)

who was she?

See that girl in the backpack dancing with the little kid?
That kid came out a few months back that he was being molested by her.
They always hung out at speedrunning events and nobody said anything about her creepy behaviour