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inb4 ANOTHER delay
Because it's releasing in 4 hours 30 mins.
What if the game will be shit?
it releases at the normal steam store update time
and with the early access build being 80 gigs i probably wont get to play it til thursday
All games are shit so it doesnt matter when its released.
>an improved upon Divinity OS2
I highly doubt it, it looks great. I just prefer that they named it OS3 instead of BG3 because it's just torn the fanbases apart.
It will be released in 4 hours and 20 minutes from this reply.
Didn't they say it was going to be ~150gb?
>it looks great
>Release it when Americans are at work, Aussies are asleep and Europeans are just getting home
>It's also 80gbs so add a couple more hours
Stupid faggots just release it at 00:00GMT like every other game under the sun.
>"b-but muh unfair advantage for reviewer/guidemakers!"
Suck my dick faggot.
It's 150gb.
the full game will be yeah, but the early access build isnt the full game its only like the first act i think
>80 gigs i probably wont get to play it til thursday
American internet kek
how the fuck is it 150gb jesus christ are you kidding
Sven where are the dragonborn? Give me the lizards RIGHT NOW
im french actually, i just live in a shitty backwards town
we're supposed to get fiber soon though
False,factorio is great if you aren't too dumb
Any qt3.14s in your town?
I didn't read the entire sentence first,but yeah most are bad at release
My main worry is that this will feel too much like Divinty OS, and lose the Baldur's Gate feel
What is it? The full release or EA?
>80gb for turn-based game
That's as ridiculous as the 200gb for the MWF remake.
EA which is like the first act.
Xcom 2 is about that.
We have to wait for Yank time.
I bet it's like 60% incompetence, 30% bloated files (by choice) and 10% the actual game.
i dunno, im a hikki
>80gb for 10 hours of gameplay
Fuck size bloat in games, I miss talented programmers actually being able to compress stuff into manageable sizes
I will have you know that having an individual data file for each level containing all the assets and sounds is a great idea since it cuts down on loading times!
Some wasted space from asset duplication is a minor tradeoff
5% concentrated power of will
>what if
Yeah like Zig Forums ever gives a shit about a what if.
Unless the loading screens are year long, it's really not worth it, at least for me.