Is it really the masterpiece I hear it is?

Is it really the masterpiece I hear it is?

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Imagine being as miserable of a person as this poster.

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the cunny always survives

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It's hilariously overrated.
It takes the surreal elements from Lynch, Kubrick, Jacob's Ladder, and combines them all into a lukewarm turd.
Combine this with a terrible script acted by off-the-street voice actors, and the result is something that is unintentionally hilarious.

Yeah, but SH1 is superior.

>james killed mary and maria is a figment of his imagination given form by the town of silent hill. the fat fuck dies too, you kill him, and the emo slut kills herself. cunny survives without a scratch because she has no inner demons or some shit. in the true ending james kills himself.

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Your just angry because mommy never got you a PS2 because she was too busy fucking Tyrone

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Yes, Hall of Fame.

Nice try, ColtEastWood.
Go back to shilling for Phil’s cock.

I played it at release and loved it.

Yes, but also play the rest of the series in order.

The gameplay is mind-numbingly boring and pyramid head is poorly utilised. I would say it's worth playing if you want to be frightened...frightened at how bland it all is.

I don't know who they are, but great minds clearly think alike.

shit gameplay but still entertaining.

>for me? it's silent hill 3, it's the scariest and heather is such a cutie

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It has some good moments but I prefer classic Resident Evil.
It's carried hard by the atmosphere, not the gameplay or writing. Which is why 1 is the best one, it has the thickest atmosphere (figuratively and literally).

>What is Heather looking at?

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>1 had thickest atmosphere
Your stupid and gay

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A virgin.

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Use this

James killed Mary only after witnessing the amount of pain his wife was going through. He had to endure his wife being taken away to the hospital while he had to constantly work to pay the bills, the first thing he does while in town is going through his habbits, first he visits a pub but says he won't drink, then he goes to an apartment where there is a dead version of himself staring at a static tv (hinting that james felt dead and probably just stared at static when he got home), the apartment is the first place we see the pyramid head (where he killed her), the apartment is the location of the literal mannequin wearing marys clothes and the place where we witness pyramid head abusing the mannequins (james lust/memories of his wife), first attempt to repress his memories (shooting them), the place we see a oozing hole in wall in a room full of butterflies (mary transformed into something ill, the oozing hole is probably what james felt with his lust while having to clean his wife), its the first time james represses his memory of killing his wife and his guilt by drowning himself (taking a cold shower/ending foreshadowing). The fat guy is a reflection of james who kills without question, and serves as a way for us to see the hypocritical nature of james in his current state (you cant just kill them them), and angela is a reflection of women who served as a vessel for men's lust and its consequences (she was raped by her father and brother). Laura is the innocent reflection of mary, who didn't ask for any of this suffering, she is just a manifestation of silent Hill and the same manifestation of maria (they are never seen on screen at the same time, maria always makes an excuse for that to happen). In the true ending we realize mary was with james in the car, probably in the trunk, he is seen taking her from the bed in the end and we see him walking the body of mary through silent hill in the game intro.

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>posting sh2 spoilers as if it was going to ruin the game
come on, everyone knows you watched a "silent hill 2 story explained" after beating the game

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Not really.

Depends on how forgiving you can be of a game's flaws. It does some things VERY well that not many other games have been able to match, but for a chunk of the game it also feels like it's moving very slowly with mediocre gameplay.

The apartments and hospital just didn't do much for me. Everything after that was mostly great, but those locations along with the outside areas feeling very bare made about half of the game seem really bland.

I played it for the first time recently and I liked it. The combat is kind of rubbish but the rest is great.

I played it for the first time recently.
1's gameplay is better, but 2 hooks you and doesn't let go.

It's crap.

Play SH1 instead.

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i like those areas. i enjoy clearing out each room and finding all the cool things around there

1 is my favorite and the one I go back to replay the most, but I thought 2 was still worth playing more than once as well.