
Anyone else playing Squadrons? Enjoying the depth of the power management and dogfighting, but attacking capital ships still feels like a suicide mission every single run I make. Still trying to figure out the best tactics

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forward shields and drop some mombs on the weakpoint?

8 s h i p s

Really loving it so far. Been waiting for a proper Star Wars dogfighting game for a long ass time. They found my weakness because if they release DLC I will slop every piece of it up.

Anyone tried playing in VR yet?

Already beat it and uninstalled. It was fun but multiplayer is shit.

I just bought it but now there's a thunderstorm and my power's flickering and I'm scared to boot it up

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Why yes, my campaign character has a female body and male face.
I squealed with joy when my squadron leader said he has a husband.

I couldn't imagine playing without vr. I use a controller though as my hotas isn't with me.

Good to know! I can't wait to try it in VR, though I legit worry about motion sickness haha.

yes? are there more than that in original trilogy? not counting snowflakes

falseflag or real? sp is just a glorified tutorial, its a mp game

Missing the B-Wing still, unfortunately.

never took star wars as ship variety kind of thing

Is there a playable buick

The Reaper's cockpit kind of feels like an 80s buick

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Yeah, it's awesome. Can't believe in 2020 we basically got X-Wing vs TIE Fighter 2 made by EA of all people.

literal shill threads does anyone remember the 24/7 copy paste threads in consumers speak everyday after battlefront 2 got reworked

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please encourage EA into making more barebone $40 games!

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Yes, actually.
The sooner EA stops blowing hojillions on yearly cinematic movie games, the sooner they stop buying and killing studios nonstop.

Reaper interior is so fucking cool. Too bad the other TIE interiors don't have really have anything distinguishing them from one another, even cosmetic details.

$40 is a perfectly fair price? Most games MSRP for $60.00, and it looks like that might be increasing to $70.00 in the upcoming generation.

I'd rather pay for a game with cosmetics microtransactions and free updates for 2+ years like Battlefront 2 than a game with no content at all and no planned update

You're the cancer killing the games industry.

the battlefront 2 resurgence earlier this year was great, got a good 3 months of gaming out of that

Game got super sweaty over the last few days
Seems like the casuals have left and it's just the people who like the genre.

I've got no real problems with that but I think it might be bad for the games future

list the sweaty OP tactics

Not him but I do wish the b-wing was in. I'm pretty sure it fills the same niche as the y-wing though and it would have weird controls so I can understand not having it.

slam jet engines + seeker mines seems to be the main flavor of meme right now

a "barebones" game with good core mechanics is objectivelly better than cod 26 or battlefield 7¾

Go back to FIFA.

is that the one thats like a ball on a stick

Yeah. its so cool, but I can accept it would be a bitch to fly and also a huge target because its so wide.

EA hasn't done either of those things, what the fuck are you on about? Last time EA bought a studio was well over a decade ago, the only yearly games they make are sports games, and they don't cinematic games at all unless you think games with good graphics fall under that category. Frankly speaking, EA has been pretty good for a long time.

>Last time EA bought a studio was well over a decade ago

somehow has shittier gfx than the 7 year old spaceship dog-fighting game I already play

Aqua a shit

Shoo, shoo, zogbot.

is there a reason its shaped like that?

It looks cool having a ship that the body spins. Theres probably an in universe answer, but that answer was undoubtedly come up with after the ship was designed.