If you haven't beaten Dwarf Fortess then you shouldn't be allowed to post on Zig Forums

If you haven't beaten Dwarf Fortess then you shouldn't be allowed to post on Zig Forums

Attached: dwarf-fortress-cover.png (660x360, 3.49K)

you're not wrong

how do you even "beat" this game, i thought you just did whatever you want
Also storytime:
>Be cool elephant man
>Learn the secrets of life and death
>King keeps giving me quests to kill dragons
>Go lair to lair choking dragons out
>While there also make sure to grab any skeletons lying around
>Have like 30 skeletons in my backpack
>Go to dark tower and confront demon lord
>Cast necromancy on all 30 skeletons in my backpack
>The room is flooded with skeletons
>Watch as they surround the demon and beat it to death
The tale of grippo man, the elephant vampire necromancer

>how do you even "beat" this game
unzip hell and kill demons until they stop spawning

What is this minecraft?

wont invasions always come no matter what?

It's minecraft's alcoholic dad

Attached: dorf fort.png (2022x9691, 697.71K)

>If you haven't beaten Dwarf Fortess then you shouldn't be allowed to post on Zig Forums
lmao casual
only people who got the good ending should be allowed on Zig Forums
how stupid can you be to side with the Windfish over CMD Rimanah lmao

You ever wonder if we're all just dorfs in some God's game?

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Attached: Hushedweights the Submerged Valley.png (806x900, 1.24M)

I think you're starting to understand

>beaten Dwarf fortress

If you cant speed run that shit you are a filthy casual.

are the dwarf women cute?

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Does this count?

Attached: 2 cat.png (625x1907, 124.68K)

I was surprised how interesting the lore of this game is


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The only way to "win" at DF is to lose in a blaze of glory

good shit

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he's cool, and makes lots of good art

Attached: gened_by_kruggsmash_dc6hmpj-fullview.jpg (1024x640, 195.91K)

I don't like dwarves.
Can we have dwarf fortress without dwarves?

Use one of the many civilization mods

so, just the Fortress then?

Attached: dftylerd.jpg (1580x1360, 619.66K)

I could never understand how to tell regular dwarves to not wander into caverns so I just blocked offed all the entries into my map lol

Is it worth getting into dwarf fortress?
I've always liked the idea, but I'm worried I'm not autistic enough to spend the time learning how it works

the menus can be daunting but it ain't rocket science

I think the sseeth video explains t pretty well

Carp becoming OP death machines is probably my favorite video game glitch ever

ok, maybe I'll download it tonight

how do i into adventure mode?

have wiki page with controls open, you'll get the hang of it

Chad gamer move right there

Attached: 1594294242299.jpg (700x876, 41.66K)

but i dont know what i should be doing

not a glitch

Lookup Burrows on the wiki my dude

train to make your guy stronk
raid a necromancer and steal his books
become a night creature
eventually head to a dark fortress and take on the demons forces

I love telling this story
>On an adventure as a weak-ass dorf
>having a good time hiring a tank while i zip arrows at enemies
>they die a lot
>while in an town looking for a replacement fren, i end up in the lord's tower place
>find a book
>it's about a 'zebra demon' that impersonated a lord and ruled a town
>glance across the room
>said lord is right there
>approach him and ask "uh.. is this you?"
>lol yup you got me lmao
>turns back into a zebra demon in front of me
>ask him to tag along
>he agrees
>we go on adventures, killing things with his insane combat prowess and acid breath shit
>inevitably get melted by acid breath crossfire

What is the best mod, boys?

kind of based, the effort he puts into his videos reminds me of those ancient dnd fags that are entering their 60s now, and got good at drawing just to depict their games.