Well Zig Forums, which side are you on?

Well Zig Forums, which side are you on?

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Most of these distinctions are either completely arbitrary or make no sense at all and you should be ashamed for posting this.

Most of them make perfect sense. Only stuff like smash seems oddly placed

>not taking the best from both sides
Classical Liberal chads rise up.

Deus Ex isn't either left or right wing, you're just delusional

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Many of the criteria are inherently contradictory and you can end up with games that have the same justification for something being on both sides of the isle, i.e. in one case the creator could've decided the political affiliation of the game's developer was more important and in another case consider the fans or the game's actual content more important, even though another criterion would suggest it is placed on the other side. There is fundamentally nothing objective about this chart and you are just as stupid as the guy who made it for thinking so.

>literal Twitter repost
>desperately trying to make this a new ebin meme
Check this 8 and leave zoomer. You do not belong here.

for me its Unannounced Harry Potter RPG Game

Hold it right there

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>independent and horseshoe theory = centrist

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Imagine being such a retarded faggot you boil your political opinions down to "left wing" and "right wing" instead of actual policy

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you do know what constitutes 'left wing' and 'right wing' varies a lot based on the region / country's Overton window right?

> Imagine being such a retarded faggot you boil your political opinions down to "left wing" and "right wing" instead of actual policy

Look into it, the "left wing" is British intelligence paying PR people to spread disinfo to divide and fuck with America, and everybody who doesn't go along with it is smeared as "right wing".

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Why the hell is pokemon leftist?

who is the faggot that keeps posting this image

>Witcher 3 right wing
Pure delusion. Always wondered why so many conservatives love that game. It's not exactly subtle at times. Also, why Xenoblade 1 left wing but Xenoblade 2 right wing?

>made by fundie Christian
>left wing
Yeah without knit picking any of the others this chart is gay and retarded

lmao idiot plebs trying to sound smart
Left and Right are arbitrary terms only in your dumb ass heads They have their origin in the French revolution, where members of the National Assembly were literally physically divided into right and left, with the former supporting the king and the latter supporting the revolution. Seems pretty cut and dry, including policy. "The left and right are D&C lmao!!" is a normie brainlet take. "Actual policy" boils down to left and right, revolutionary or traditional, liberal or illiberal.

That would make sense if Democrats and Republicans didn't literally plot right next to each other in a political compass. It's the same shit. Amerimutts don't use those terms right like in Europe.

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>doom in left wing
excuse me but why?

Minecraft is a centrist game.

Because Bethesda is woke and because it's popular on Switch, a leftist console.

How are Dark Souls (against feudal/religious hegemony), Final Fantasy VII (eco-terrorism), Skyrim (centrist), XB2 (anti-religion), Deus Ex (anti-capitalism, anti-America), Fallout 76 (literally has commie DLC), or Mortal Kombat X (desexualised characters) remotely right-wing? This list fucking sucks.

Whatever you say champ

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Xenoblade 2 is right wing because of the character designs. They're not afraid to give us sweet sweet fanservice, and we love it for it.

How is Halo left wing?

>Deux Ex

This is your brain on Zig Forums

This is so fucking retarded

go ask your pastor about your cherished "character designs" and what he thinks his politicians should do about them lol

this is actually pretty good

I am unapologetically right-wing, National Tribalist, and economic nationalist and while I love some of the games on the "right-wing" section especially the Dark Souls trilogy; the Resident Evil games; and Chrono Trigger, I also like Nier Automata and the Doom franchise.

I don't understand how these games get put onto political spectrums. I can understand calling Life is Strange and its sequel left-wing especially since the second is basically "White Patriot and Orange Man are Bad the Game." Other titles, I am not so sure about especially Earthbound.

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Is DQ there just because of Sugiyama or what?

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>zelda being a left wing game at all
It's the most red-pilled Nintendo series

I am on the side of cum wing games
I love big fat anime tiddies
Fuck making everything political I prefer thinking with my cock

You should screencap your post and revisit it in ten years.

What makes you think Deus Ex supports a right wing narrative?

The Church has done a hard turn left in the last few decades, that means nothing.

>bethesda is woke
ok fair enough
>it's popular on Switch, a leftist console
Wait What?
Also aren't game about killing demon a christian thing? I though christians hate demon n shit?

The Pope =/= all fucking churches you nigger

The French revolution was a mistake