Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

If we really think about it, this game only has two real flaws.
>Lack of proper online multiplayer
>having to sit through menus/Unskippable segments you’ve seen a million times to get to parts of the games you want
It’s gameplay is solid as hell, has a lot of heart, and a killer soundtrack. Didn’t expect to love it as much as I did.

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Yeah I'm just waiting for No More Negroes 3 and whatever Let It Die 2 turns out to be.

I cant wait to see III's boxart.

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its not no more heroes
its not a suda game
its a fucking overpriced mobile game tier piece of shit
i will never forgive suda for disrespecting long time no more heroes fans like this

It was made so that he could lay his issues with Shadows of the dammed to rest

>its not a suda game
it's more of a suda game than anything that came since nmh1

>it’s not no more heroes
It’s more NMH than NMH2
>its not a suda game
It’s literally all about Suda’s everything.his life, his games, etc. fucking love letter to his entire career.
>its a fucking overpriced mobile game tier piece of shit
I’d argue it’s Suda’s best gameplay, and has a ton of depth to it. I’ll agree it’s overpriced though. I’d recommend deep sale over the $40 asking price on Steam.
>i will never forgive suda for disrespecting long time no more heroes fans like this
Are you genuinely retarded?

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>has a lot of heart, and a killer soundtrack
agree, really cool character designs and cutscenes, the one with Electro Triple Star where he walks around with a lighter and breaks the wall down is pure kino gave me the feel of older suda games
>It's gameplay is solid as hell
I don't like how the animations look and it's not really satisfying at all to kill enemies like the first NMH

I think the combat lacks defensive options, the roll kinda sucks.

dam they made a travis scott game?

you didn't even play it you fat ass fag

Looking at it as it’s own thing, for what it is it’s very solid. Yeah I’m you’ll
Never get that same satisfaction, but skill chips make the combat much deeper (and option filled) than anything in No More Heroes proper. The problem is that the combat isn’t nearly as varied (encounter wise, the bugs themselves provide some god variety).

>not a suda game
>literally about him hating the fuck out of EA

>The problem is that the combat isn’t nearly as varied
I thought it was fine as a casual game. To me it was clearly designed as a handheld entry the way a lot of series had GBA spinoffs given by the inclusion of checkpoints in levels and the pulled back camera. If you're just going to play it for a 30 min stint or a check point or two, you can see a few new sections of a level or try a new skill chip or two or a combo or a boss and then go onto something different next play session. I think it starts to fall apart when you play for extended periods, repeat playthroughs or trying to min max stuff for ranks.

The one thing I didn't get is what the whole Hotline Miami thing in the last chapter was about

>not a SUDA game
Let me guess, Lollipop Chainsaw is your favorite “SUDA” game

>I think it starts to fall apart when you play for extended periods, repeat playthroughs or trying to min max stuff for ranks.
trying to 100% it right now actually and I have to agree. It starts to feel tedious when it’s asking me to level everyone up to 20. I respect that the game doesn’t require me to play through an entire level to get to a boss (for the difficulty and rank achievements) but even playing those back to back is a process when having to sit through Travis/Badman entering the game, the Death Drive splash screen, the game intro/title, toilet select, loading, Travis entering the game (unless at a specific toilet, excluded for “Coffee and Doughnuts” and the GP game), getting to the boss, watching the encounter movie, skipping the dialogue, boss intro, the actual fight, and then all the proceeding movies/dialogues before returning to the trailer. Wish the process was streamlined just a tiny bit after you’ve seen the process once with each respective character.

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I didn’t quite get it either. Would have been a neat Easter egg if Jacket was a playable boss fight (maybe with the “cheat” code).

>It’s more NMH than NMH2

Jimmy Urine’s music made that game for me, and hearing him voice Zedd.

I can see what your saying, I'm sorta biased against this game cause I thought we were getting a NMH similar to the 1/2
Also got way too hyped for this game when the initial teaser trailer came out and I was like HOLY SHIT SUDA IS BACK then the gameplay was shown and it was a disappointment for me, that trailer is perfect and really nails what I thought a NMH game at least cutscene and style wise would like in 2019(that's what I thought we would get in the end)

I maxed out Travis and Badman by running the last floor of Golden Dragon GP as fast possible, but then gave up for Shinobu and Badgirl

The spirit of the game and Travis in general. Suda directed both, he only conceptualized 2.

it’s more grounded/goofy, whereas NMH 2 was pure off the walls

I found it kind of boring and didn't finish it. I'm sure it's a great time for Suda fans, though.

I wouldn't call anything related to NMH grounded

All I have. Kind of annoyed that the game didn’t give me the bitter achievement for beating everything on Spicy. The other hidden one is the K fax achievement I believe. I except to have it 100% in a couple of days if I play a couple more hours but like I said above, it’s more tedious than challenging.

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I should not the only SS I need is Silver Face. Can’t quite get it. Can finish the guy off in 45 seconds but I think he still hits me one time too many.

A buddy and I beat it with both Travis and Badman at level 1 and got jack shit, was kinda upset by that.

TSA is kinda hard to even compare to 2 since it's so different with way less cutscenes and voice acting which really made NMH for me
People can say whatever they want about NMH 2 but that game has really funny and well directed cutscenes, plus the best soundtrack of all 3 NMH games

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I always loved that stenciled out Travis face. And that one part of 2 where you walk by the buildings and it’s painted on one of the towers.

I wish it had more hack and slash and less gimmicky levels, but I really liked it overall and stuff like the bike race game thing were great