What was the peak version of Minecraft
What was the peak version of Minecraft
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Beta 1.7.3
Beta 1.7.3 for world gen and post release 1.7.3(?) for mods
Best version: The one you hate
Worst version: The one you love
t. boomers
The ray tracing one
I'm 18, I've been playing this game since they added the nether.
retarded zoomer
All versions excluding the one where they added phantoms.
Implying it's hit it's peak yet
It'll hit a new peak that's certain, but maybe one or two updates after caves and cliffs, but it's most certainly an update in the right direction.
Current version. It's still the same game, just with new toys.
There have been numerous physics changes, player interaction changes(trading, hunger, etc) and world generation changes that it has changed enough that people may prefer different versions over current.
Fuck this gay update. It's a complete betrayal of the simple, wholesome game I once enjoyed. Fuck zoomers and their ADHD terraria-mod-like shit.
You're the reason why Minecraft has remained stagnant all these years and has yet to reach it's potential.
How does it betray old minecraft user? It's adding more to caves, the core of the game.
The intended Dwarf Fortress version that never got completed.
>Microkike bought minecraft in 2014
What the fuck bros how has it been 6 years
The simplicity remains just as it did before, it's simply a lot less barren now. Taking away the simplicity would be like adding a bunch of stat management or some shit, even the rpg elements the game currently has are quite shallow
It's looking kino as hell. I don't get what it is with you minecraft boomers and equating less content with more soul
For me it's
im torn on 1.7.3 or 1.8 just because I can't decide if the adventure update was a huge mistake or not
There's a mod for the old world gen in newer versions
Has anyone tried it?
Wow, so I kept the game actually good for years instead of an RPG shitfest?
It all looks modded. Caves were fine as they were, mining was fine, we didn't need Archeology. I felt the same way about Netherite ruining the iconic Minecraft diamond.
It isn't the same anymore
>it all looks modded
Why? It looks like minecraft to me
Yeah I tried the glacier seed with the new biomes, it's really cool
>It all looks modded
That would be expected considering throughout the years of updates minecraft has got, caves have always remained the exact same
>It isn't the same anymore
I would hope not
Whatever version it was right before the hunger update.
Why do you dislike hunger? It doesn't bother me at all