Game has an Easy mode

>Game has an Easy mode
>It actually makes the game impossible to play
>Game has a Hard mode
>It actually makes some maps way easier to play

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Playing with a mouse sucks

It's actually fine
If some guy from Africa with a Dell mouse and a pillow for a mousepad and a 60hz monitor and a laptop keyboard can be good at osu, equipment is no issue and a total meme actually. I will never buy a tablet unless I actually want to draw. The whole point of osu is that you can fire it up and play a rhythm game whenever you want without hooking up extra shit. It's very pick up and play.

I play osu with the mouse. It still sucks but it is what it is. Still, I don't practice much with it because I don't hear anime music that much

Tablet may be better but not as much as it's made out to be. It won't instantly make you a god, and it takes a while to get used to.

i blame farm maps on hard mode being easier on some maps. EZ should just be renamed i guess, cuz a real EZ mode ideally would just make the circles bigger and the AR whatever you want it to be

Alternatively I could just use a touchscreen. Just kidding lmao.

I stopped playing standard and started play mania. I think more people should do the same.

>Why yes, I only play Catch, what gave it away?

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>t. readlet

They're literally completely different games
Anyway, play Taiko instead

Rank my map

>Rank my map
Go talk to a BN

not him but I would play taiko if they added fixed scroll speed like mania, instead of speed depending on the BPM

Everyone's always closed

Check the forums or get on discord, especially the forums.

how the fuck do I 7 key

>Buy a keypad for osu
>Change the position my hand and arm rest for good reason
>Slowly discover my natural tapping finger is no longer my index, but middle
>Have to undo hundreds of hours and retrain my hand to lead bursts/streams with my middle finger
>Speed utterly tanked and acc is non-existent
Why do I play this game

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why did you buy a keypad lmao
did you fall for the meme that cherry blacks aren't good for osu (I use them, they're fine) or are you unironically using cherry greens or some shit

Desk top isn't big enough for my keyboard to fit along with the monitor, and its current position was placing stress on my wrist and fingers to the point where I'd lock up while tapping and didn't want to play. A keypad is nice and small.

>Desk top isn't big enough for my keyboard to fit along with the monitor
honestly get a new desk from a thrift store. do you just use the keyboard on your lap all day if it doesn't fit on your desk?

How small is your desk? I have a pretty small Ikea desk with a lot of crap on it and I can still comfortably play osu.

you uninstall the game and go play beatmania

Touhou 11.

It's not worth it considering I only had that issue with osu, due to the nature of tapping. The keyboard is on a roll-out tray.

>Easy Mode : Enemies do less damage, but so do you

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i enjoy playing osu ocasionally and i've doing so for some years now. i don't give a shit about ranks but many songs that i like are usually above 5,5 stars. I can manage until 5,5 easily, but i can't get to complete 6 stars, which usually are the best made and the most fun beatmaps regarding the track i download. i don't use my tablet because i'm left handed and i just use it for my job, but is it really that hard to just make it with a mice?

Doomsday is in the top 1k and he only plays with mice. Remember, anything you can do on a tablet you can do on a mouse.

>install game
>looking for how to add new musics
>needs account
>needs to go through a retarded finder
>most musics are obviously aimed at teenagers or edgy people
Fuck it I'll just reinstall Stepmania. I really fucking hate shit that forces you to create an account just to get some files.

All maps are also hosted on bloodcat, you can play osu completely without an account

>actually works
Eh? Guess I'll give it another try. You're a cool guy.