Name a more overrated franchise

Name a more overrated franchise.

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Any sony tranny game

call of duty

Super Smash Bros

I love how it went from niche to overrated in 2 games time. City Folk is where it became a bit more mainstream, I’ll give all the pessimists that, but NL and NH is really where all the normies dog piled it. It’s too bad, I have hundreds of hours in NH and love playing with my friends and trading with people and hanging out on /acg/. Why does everything have to get ruined bros?


Although Animal Crossing comes close. Pretty much every Nintendo franchise is overrated, but these two are the worst offenders.

Dark Souls

Deus Ex easily. Faggots on this board will jerk off all over it, even though there is literally ONE good entry in the entire series.

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Boring Minecraft.

why are these animals naked?

Most animals are naked.

we've done a million polls and it's ALWAYS unanimously agreed that Last of Us is the most overrated piece of shit ever

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So overrated = everything that's popular now?

I also agree the first Dark souls overrated but 3 is legit good as well as bloodborne

anything by rockstar
anything by cdpr

Who is the most based villager and why is it dobie?

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Wild World is when the series became mainstream, New Leaf only beat it out by a few hundred thousand units. City Folk sold considerably worse than any of the handheld games.

Why did you forget about me, user?

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i'm gona miss sally. i hpoe to give her a good home
she's currently packing up her boxes now

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Call of Duty, Last of Us, Fall Out, Five Nights at Fucking Freddy's. Animal Crossing only became trendy recently. Other franchises have been getting hyped up for much longer.

I was off NH for nearly two months, and this Halloween pumpkin growing shit has pulled me right back in.

Ur mum in bed lol

retard, the 3DS game was popular as fuck


>New Leaf
New Horizons and Pocket Camp were the ones that really pushed it

I didn’t, I just got bored of you sayin the same shit every day

>you will never smoke weed with your villagers

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Wild World was released in 2005, when the internet was NOWHERE near as big as it is today and stuff couldn't be spread around so easily. It might have sold a ton but normalfags didn't know about it. If you asked a bunch of random people if they'd ever heard of Animal Crossing in 2005 and in 2020 the results would be much different. Despite its sales and even having a whole animated movie in 2006, Nintendo didn't really treat it like one of their "main" franchises until New Leaf.

they have fur

Figured it's relevant enough. In case anyone wants that Dodo Airlines bag from the MyNintendo rewards
I didn't want to pay 5 bucks to get it shipped.