Ps5 wont fit

Ps5 wont fit.

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But can you fuck an Xbox Sex huh?

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shouldn't be sticking electronics in cubbyholes with poor airflow anyways. Enjoy your housefire, Xchud.

whoah, KFC looks like that?

xbox exhaust doesnt have enough clearance
shit is going to die like a sids

>12 inches
what MS meant by this?

> 12"

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U can cum in the holes

>not putting your xbox in your freezer
not gunna make it

enjoy fitting your xbox in there and watch it burn a month later.

Nice airflow, retard.

i know this is a joke but there was a meme about putting your desktop in a mini fridge to keep it cool
it doesnt work

>15.4 inches
wtf snoy is based

Nice one.

what kind of shoeboxes do you guys live in where someone like this would be an issue?

>console cucks concerned with fitting their glorified Rokus in their trashy furniture

Its definitely shorter than ps5, but heat fires upward. That makes it impossible to be stored in shelves.

Wtf give him some room

was it the condensation that ruined it?

this is unironically the number 1 reason why console die.
retards placing their consoles in small spaces with restricted airflow.

Fridges are good at maintaining a low temperature, but not at quickly cooling something that's actively producing heat


The cuckbox

its not powerful enough, fridges and especially mini-fridges have very weak compressors
you need a full size air condition to cool off something like that

Sony defiantly didn't design this console to sit confined in a cubby section of a entertainment center. It's suppose to sit on it and be a showpiece.

If full drive vr was real, it would just be translating the electrical pulses in you brain rather than reading them, right? i think even if we go to that point reading minds with it still wouldn't be possible

I had my Xbox One X in an entertainment center without much clearance and never had a problem, it never really even got warm, but I wouldn't advise ever putting PS5 or XSX in one, both consoles are going to blast heat constantly.



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It’s smol, pathetic, and is about to get absolutely fucking MOGGED exactly how it has throughout history :) because it has little to nothing to offer

PS5 wont fit.

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