ps5 is weaker and has the better cooling therefore it's safe to assume xbox series x will overheat
Ps5 is weaker and has the better cooling therefore it's safe to assume xbox series x will overheat
you're forgetting that the roaches add extra heat.
are you programmed to repeat the same five thoughts?
lmao chink farming
Zig Forums is always wrong, it seems like everyone fucked up their hardware besides Sony.
The reality is that they will both suck fucking dick. And so does Nintendo consoles. And PCs too because devs make games that need to run on fucking solar-powered potatoes.
Video games suck, and TV sucks. Only good things is movies until the end of New Hollywood. And sports.
it's unironically Zig Forums tards obsessing over shitting on ps5 no matter what even though no one geniunely gives a single shit about xbox
oh and also some loser weebs who are butthurth there's a sunshaft covering shitty anime doodles in visual novels
It’s also clocked higher
Muslim shitskins are mentally ill
ie. you
>ps5 is weaker
>better cooling
both have 350W power supply units
>no one geniunely gives a single shit about xbox
>>beat PS5 in two polls, one with hundreds of votes and the other over a thousand, posted at different times for different timezones
It's over for playstation on Zig Forums
PS5 radial fan has by far the larger surface area and capacity to move air
overheatgate already got debunked its smooth sailing for xchads
>console fags fighting over whose DRM box is worse
God this generation is so fucking sad.
>Zig Forumspol/ """"""""pols""""""""
any social media presence favors PS5 multiple times over while everyone on Zig Forums are busy seething
People seem to forget that the One X runs quiet and cool. I don't see why the Series X wouldn't.
Based ps4, I can eat a snack and watch censored movies games at the same time
What's stopping me from just setting my SeX inside a minifridge?
I posted that poll on xbox discords
five blade virgin
22 blade chad
That fucking fan is physical keno.
>Liquid metal
>400 pound heatsink
I'm glad that I'm starting to get out of playing videogames as a main hobby, since it means that these bullshit console war threads are even dumber than they were after I switched to PC.
Doesn't overclocking increase heat?
sure but the die is also much smaller
>Using air coolers in a PC with a GPU that high-end.
It's not bad design when you consider the kind of PCs people who build with Flagship GPUs make.
Eh, most polls pre-bethesda replicated current 2:1, and that's the public. We hate the public
PS5 reddit 555k subscribers
Series X/S reddit 160k subscribers
Zig Forums seething force is full force but when figures start coming in you'll be drowned in gold face reaction images and you can only blame yourself
Weird cuz the only unnatural uptick was for PS5 and it coincided with some triggered responses
>in b4 reddit
>in b4 sales
Good points fren, ignore the oncoming Zig Forums seethe
Will the Xbox cook itself into a red ring again? Will it burn down my house?
in favors of ps5
strawpolls are fucking retarded though as you can literally post the link anywhere so you could make a strawpoll on some xbox circlejerk forum and use that as a """source"""
are snoy fags this dumb?
That's some tard-ass logic you're applying there, console warrior.
How do you know these figures?
I used, went to the subreddits and looked at the subscriber figures, which are listed on the right side of the site
It will only move more air than the 140mm behemoth the XSX uses when it's running at 3000RPM which will sound like a jet engine, typical Ps console
Ps5 is uglier, slower, louder, has a laptop fan, plays games uglier, plays games with lower framerates, and is only purchased by low information consuumers like nonwhites and brainlets.
So, any tech channels get a PS5 to show us themselves?
>sales mean quality
false, larger surface area = lower RPM to move the same air
>my console may be worse in LITERALLY every way, but a lot of other retards bought it too, so I win!!!
How do you win when Im playing the same games you are (minus Elder Scrolls, Avowed, Fallout...) for cheaper, at a higher resolution and framerate? How do I lose in this scenario?
The Sony fanbase has always been the most psycho and fanatical in gaming tho, they are more likely to screw with any large poll than the xbox ppl
mate have you heard how loud that style of fan is?
they are not made with intention of running quiet
I win because I already won as I already own a PC
You just admitted to going to reddit. Please use a faggy tripcode so I can filter your faggy assss.
And only half of the airflow in Series X actually cools the heatsink. kek
it also has more surface area to catch dust.
A 5 blade 140mm fan is just as good and way more quiet than those 22 fin laptop style fans. I don't own any console and IDC about XSX or PS5 but this is reality.
wrong, radial fans are used in all kinds of applications you just read some r/pcmr cope about some blower fan GPU design am I right?
wait, how it pulls air in if you put it vertical?
I don't actually give a shit about noise level if that thing can push 100+ CFM