>post your waifu
>post your favorite game
>judge other anons' taste
Dark Souls I
>post your waifu
>post your favorite game
>judge other anons' taste
Dark Souls I
Other urls found in this thread:
Megaman Battle Network 6
House of the dead 1
Somewhat subpar taste in game but I must admit Noriko is a fucking cute. 8.5/10
>Quake 1
Based but do you mean like the city or is there some anime girl im not aware of?
There's like a millon anime girls named Osaka, be more specific man
Portal 2
she looks like she shovels manure.
how about this?
Metal Gear Solid 3
I should watch that show, whats it called again?
armored core 2
Fatcholili is the cute.
Fuck off Pooabara.
She's no fat!
I dont have one.
Dont worry, shes a cute fatty.
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Zelda: Majoras Mask
Azumanga daioh same creator as yotsuba. If you like a unintresting fun CGDCT then yes I would recommend it
>unintresting fun
also what is a cgdct?
Flight Simulator X, still need to play the new one.
Metal Slug 3
Team Fortress 2
Good taste my nigga
Hehe, I know what you like user.
cute girl doing cute thing!
>Leona with no dog food belt
You were so close.
Katamari Damacy
also try to watch this as well
nocturne or bloodborne i cant choose
>Dragon Quest VIII
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
RUNNING WITH RIFLES satisfies my childhood army men itch so goddamn well.
Pokemon Gold
La Mulana
Sonic Adventure 2.
Pathologic 2
I love my kitten with all my heart...
Favorite game... had to pick an overall, but I'll go genre.
RPG: Chrono Trigger, cliche but good. Robotrek by quintet/enix is pretty fun too.
Racing: Extreme G 3. Real hit or miss series though. Also doesn't get good until the second or third engine class.
Fighting: Any Soul Calibur with CAS mode. Despite my waifu, I'm not much of a fighter player, but SC is fun to mess around in.
FPS: Playtime probably goes to TF2. I wish Planetside 2 had been a better game though... Really liked the original...
RTS: C&C: Tiberium Sun.
Action/Shooter: Metal Slug series. Probably spent the most time with X.
Action/Sim: Armored Core series. 3 probably most in my book, but the later PS2 ones finally picking up twin-stick controls made them so much more playable.
Horror: Dead Space.
Wasted entirely too much time on this: Oxygen Not Included.
no bully
Eh I don't know, I'm between Umihara kawase, Mamimi samejima and kate marsh, to be honest, being 25 this has lost its magic, I just wish I could be loved by someone real
>Post your favorite game
Can't decide between castlevania sotn, xenoblade chronicles and the legend of heroes trails in the sky fc
>Hex girl
>Mm vn
Eh I've barely played bm so I can't say for sure but supposedly they're shit from 4 onwards
Cute but bland uninteresting character
>House of the dead 1
Based chadster
She cute though I don't know her
>Portal 2
Haven't played it
Based, never played your game though
>Rf 1 Chad
BASED! Game is okay
It's fun bro
>Metal slug 3
Chad of chads
I kneel user sama... Never played tf2
Rabi Ribi
Solid taste
Great taste
I like you