>CRT+F "Genshin"
>0 Results
Let's not do that
>CRT+F "Genshin"
>0 Results
Let's not do that
>actual shilling
Fuck you, shill.
If you're concerned about Spyware, just pirate the game. Crackers always remove copy protection.
I have no interest in the game, but the cute boys are appreciated.
Worship venti
>shill so dumb he doesn't even realize other shills do it on purpose to avoid filters
I think you should plug back in, drone
I have these two. All my rolls so far have given me shotas and a bunch of Fischl and Xiangling dupes.
but i am not a shill............
Is exactly what a shill would say.
Is it worth playing the game for the boys?
What AR are you op? I am approaching 20. I am blown away with how much fun I am having
They realized everyone was filtering their shill threads so they're keeping it on the downlow.
fyi there's almost nothing to do right now once you're above like ar30
there's a new side quest that unlocks at each of 32, 34, and 36, but the gap between them is pretty damn long
Yes, start rerolling for Venti now before you miss your chance
35. I am having a hard time getting more adventure exp
there's like 10 threads on this game. i've never seen so much chink game shilling on this board in my life. its sad
Sterilize yourself you fucking ape.
Stop fucking spamming and go to one of the 30 other threads.
Can these threads be taken to /vg/ yet?
they should be in
Could you regularly make posts like these so I can see all the threads in one place? It makes it easier for me to find them making for less time wasted missing conversation about Genshin Impact
what even is the game about?
Seems to me like Raid shadow legends but with anime plastered on it
No. They belong right here.
Pretending to be stupid has lost its humor, you shouldn't do that anymore.
When will the new regions arrive?
it's an open ended exploration game/collectathon
it constantly gets compared to botw but i haven't played that so i can't comment
i like exploration games so i like it. i'm basically done with the content that's currently in the game though. waiting for a patch.
>Stop fucking spamming and go to one of the 30 other threads.
I wish Smashfags would take this advice to heart.
Find them yourself monkey. Use the fucking catalog.
>what even is the game about?
Add a bunch of 0s.
People dont name their thread Genshin which makes it kind of hard sometimes. I hate having to thumb through the whole catalog. Its gay
so it has real gameplay then? figured most gachas just had pseudo RPG fights between rolling for new units
Not again, please stop making me wank to shotas every hour, my dick hurts
i see these threads constantly, so i feel i must ask.
i do not care for the gacha.
i do not care for the anime.
there is only one thing i care to know.
can i play as a fuckhuge armored knight.
this is non-negotiable. if the answer is no then you have absolutely nothing to offer me.
Not yet. Check back a bit later. One will surely come.
Which boy has the cutest penis?
yeah it has gameplay. it's basically a 3d action game with some rpg elements in terms of combat, but imo the main appeal is just exploring, that's the part i like more.
the combat's not bad but it's hampered a bit by most characters being locked behind gacha. you can make a team around the f2p ones and whoever you happen to get with the free rolls they give you, but you'll still likely be missing out on some of the better characters. it can be fun to try and make it work though, and i don't really feel like i'm missing out until i see people in threads talking about how diluc destroys everything effortlessly.
Diluc is getting nerfed
has that been confirmed? that'd be neat if he did.
apparently not, some dude post a webm showing beta diluc and current diluc and it looked like beta diluc was swinging at the same speed if not faster
Damn it I need to clear abyss 3 before he gets nerfed. I want my free china girl
don't worry, abyss 3 is easy