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Baldurs Gate 3

I normally play with White straight Warrior Male because i self insert and playing with girls is gay. but the faces werent badass enough so I'm playing with a evil Human Warlock

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fuck I’m so tempted to buy it...

I told myself I’d wait for full release though

what's the best shove build? rogue (extra dash)?

Is it good lads? I really want to try it but the full price tag is somewhat off-putting. I'd also rather play it on PlayStation so I might wait for it to be ported to ps5.

that stance radiates the feeling that he's there to fuck bitches
get fucking advantage on intimidate checks with such confidence

god I want Lae'zel to fart in my face

it's good for a game in very Early Access

Dwarf strength warlock with eldrich blast for double stun, then get whoever has the highest strength to yeet you into enemy lines at the start of combat

Is warlock like its D&D equivalent? (Brainless Eldritch blast spam)

I'm only level 3 but so far yes.

It's good but 'early access' actually means early access

I just hope for a mod that removes the rest limit and makes it more like a bedroll in OS2. Also hopefully a cheat table soon for infinite spell consumables. WHY DID I EVEN PICK A FUCKING MAGE IF THE GAME WONT LET ME EVEN MAKE 3 PUDDLES OF WATER IN A FIGHT. Meanwhile the class based fucking nigger character building is the most boring shit ever, no decisions at all everything is decided from the start. Can't even be a magic archer or some shit because of fucking classes.

Don't get me started on the combat. It's SO fucking boring and undynamic compared to original sin. Only 1 fucking attack per turn? Only 2 action points in total anyway? Every fight is just fucking basic attacks with your weapons this is fucking boring and repetitive. And while we're talking about weapons... why is the itemization so fucking shit? Doesn't matter if I loot a sword 8 hours in or right in the tutorial they all have the fucking same stats.

What the fuck were they thinking? Where is the real OS 3?

welcome to DnD I guess

I made a Zariel Tiefling fighter named Beefling because my friends picked squishy characters. Unfortunately the MP is broke as fuck for us, need to wait for the patch

The game screams "I AM OS3" yet it delivers on nothing. Why would anyone want this? Why would anyone play this over OS 1 and OS 2? Everything is fucking worse except for the graphics.

Just wait a year (or more) for it to be finished. It’s buggy and only for PC and stadia at the moment.

Can you turn into a squidface yet or is that reserved for later acts

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any wizchads in?

>a game not called OS3 is not OS3
who knew

I made an elf rogue who just shoots arrows a lot. I feel like I may have made a mistake.

long rests are awesome, it's fun to play out your day and it's an interesting tension to balance out your spellslots against taking damage in fights. the added pressure of the brainslugs taking over your mind makes it that much better.

I'm ashamed of mine, tried my best but not enough. I will have to either play as Gale or pray Swen adds more white human faces, which he won't do.

Mine looks like a fucking dyke. How he goes from manly to feminine, wrinkly to smoothie, ugh, makes me so mad.

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plan out*

are warlocks super busted early on or what?

Also being a warrior is pure boring shit. I have to walk and walk and walk and just, basic attack. ANd if I want to cleave a lot I Have to REST? Meanwhile if I play as Gale during combat I have lots of fun throwing spells all around.

Wizard seems the best. I'm curious of warlock though, if they have to be melee it's bullshit, i wanna be a ranged mage but in the fight with Wyll he used a shitty fencing sword.

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What... the fuck
You can make shemales?

you can give female bodies beards and male voices and vice versa, yes

char creator has no male/female restrictions on hair, voice etc

what a disgusting insult to the franchise. i hate trannies so goddamn much

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it follows 5e to a fault, fighters fight.

I'm having "fun", but it's too confusing and i'm cautious not to get hooked since it won't come out in until a year. It's pretty good but too childish, lots of things don't make sense too, a bit rushed on bits. ANd those are things that are not going to be fixed with the full version.

It's better than DoS2 that for sure.

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>not giving all Wizards and dwarves great big bushy beards by default regardless of gender

The problem is that in this gameplay it translates poorly. I assume in tabletops it's more down to earth and fun to imagine a character being manly and fighting with a sword. Here i have to walk walk walk. Pass turn. Walk walk walk. Pass turn. And then when i'm near, boom, "Basic attack" "miss or 2 damage".

Meanwhile with a Wizard I have 99999 spell options that do cool stuff and have good animations.

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Do non-magical attacks have glitter and flashing lights and rainbow beams and shit?

>play fighter
>wahhh all i do is hit things

I mean yeah

you look like an absoute fuk boi

They just need to add fun subclasses like Echo Knight

just use Dash or switch to a bow if you're not close enough to bonk them

That's disgusting..

>Don't get me started on the combat. It's SO fucking boring and undynamic compared to original sin. Only 1 fucking attack per turn? Only 2 action points in total anyway? Every fight is just fucking basic attacks with your weapons this is fucking boring and repetitive.
lol i knew this was going to happen when they made it turn based instead of RTWP. auto attacking is 90% of what you do in these D&D based games, that's why RTWP is superior for that specific format.

Can someone explain why the fuck Tieflings are in while Aasimar aren't? What the fuck are these cunts doing?

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zzzzz, nobody cares. BG1 was one of the games that turned western CRPGs into fucking boring story-heavy JRPG trash.

Aasimar aren't a core race and also they suck

what part of core races dont you understand?

I tried but it's not fun, it makes everything last sooo long. Now I can see why so many people cried about turn based combat. And it makes me mad having to use a bow that my character is pulling out of his ass, he's a warrior carrying a sword but boom, bow appears in his hand.

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Ugh Gale is so boring. He literally has no content at all. His introduction is shit, he comes out of a portal and that's it. THen you can ask him where he's from, he says he has a cat and that's it.

You can ask all the other companions 99999 questions but Gale has literally NOTHING.

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>A character not wanting to disclose as much info about himself as possible even if you're nice to them

Actually based and refreshing. This isn't a bioware game bro

half-Drow Rogue, excuse my medium graphics my PC is shit.
i thought i would RP this character as kind of a bitch but damn Shadowheart and Linz are world class Bitch Olympic gold medalists and make me look like a carebear. if i just tried to make Shadowheart happy i don't even know how we would even gain XP.
>don't talk to them
>don't fight them
>don't get involved
>don't do anything
>>Shadowheart disapproves

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The turn based combat of OS was so great because you had strategical tools to make decisions in every encounter. Be it just elemental interactions or all the mobility, spells and skills. They removed all that for this garbage release and made combat just a row of 2s turns where you click on an enemy watch your shitty mundane "pew pew" arrow animation or your boring as fuck unspectacular little swing with the sword and that's it. Over and over and over and over and over again. Maybe you are a mage and can actually do something flashy once or twice then you're out of it and start clubbing, swinging, stabbing, shooting as well. I can't believe how they ruined the important and well liked part of their original sin formula of all things to make this bland dumbed down mess. And burgerdrones actually pretend they like it because

>muh dnd

or maybe because they never played OS 1 & 2.

he can obviously infer what kind of person you are and knows not to trust you, sheogorath junior

just joke around with Shadowheart, she'll like it

she is a cleric of a trickster god, after all

Holy shit Wyll has to be one of the best nigger characters ever written. I'm in love with him wtf, why is he so perfect. HIs animations, his face, his story, his voice. He's so nice and cute and goodie two shoes.

I melted. I can't play as him I need him as a companion.

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How the fuck is a Tiefling a "core" race but Aasimar aren't? They're the two sides of the same coin. What the fuck is this bullshit?

Tiefling is in the PHB
Aasimar are not

Not the same. Shadowheart has 9999 options to ask her stuff and in all of them she says "I don't know you, go away". Dragon age inquisition required high approval or time to go by to have conversations, like Cassandra's brother, Alistair training, etc etc.

Gale instead has so little content. WHen you meet him he says hi and joins for no reason at all. And then in camp you have ONE question to ask him and it's super short. YOu can't tlak about ANYTHING with him.

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I want to play a non gay class, how long do i have to wait for barbarian or sorcerer?

anywhere from a day to more than a year

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1. Fuck off tranny
2. Yeah, they are completly unlikeable. It's like Morrigan in DA:O, she disapproves every time you help people or do quests.

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did they get to the part where he gets lightning powers?

Lightning powers? I just met him and went to camp because my character wouldn't stop saying "wahh wahh i'm sooo tired!".

BUt he did glow in the first fight.

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