Hows that game coming along Zig Forums?
Hows that game coming along Zig Forums?
can an entirely game truly be made on if, else if, and else statements?
why not use a generic variable name instead of slotNumber if you're going to use it for multiple purposes
this is a dumb question desu
if/elses don't do anything other than check for a condition, you still need the part of the code that's actually going to do something
also, you can do stuff like if (true) to effectively insert if/else in every single function of your game if you want
Throw in a goto and sure. For control statements, anyway.
y'know, in the amount of time he has taken, plus the amount of patron bucks he's been raking in, he could have went to a coding boot camp and learn more about coding than whatever he's learned from YouTube and stack exchange
>using a dictionary to group objects and their attributes
ever heard of a class, pal?
>var i
>var n
Are these special variables or do cunts just name them i and n?
It's a reference to a certain gamedev. Chill guys.
Not great at all...
I'm from a background of fullstack-ish, FE and server clusters management with Hadoop and Cassandra. So making a game is very far from basically everything i know... Not only from a programming aspect but even the need to learn a new language.
Unity/C# is both neat and really complicated...
You can name them whatever you want. They are just used as reference when indexing arrays.
they're not special in any fashion, it's just easy to remember i and n for their purpose
n is a sample count and i is an iteration count
you don't have to use i or n if you feel better off using something of your own convention
Using godot and programming is pretty easy cause I'm making a "easy" game
Fuck art though
Sound/music/sprites take forever
GDscript took me a week to get the basics, while fucking making a sprite still takes hours every time
>Sound/music/sprites take forever
just made this boss music in 2 minutes:
please take a c programming course and understand computers at a lower level before you try your hand at game programming, i guarantee you it will help so much with understanding what youre actually doing.
Yeah we could have guessed you made this in 2 minutes
r8 my score system Zig Forumsros
probably a meme, but good syntax. i would reccomend using a switch statement since they are basically designed for this kind of thing.
Is there a site that'll teach me how to code for real? Not just "here's how you do if, for, and loops. now make that game!"
Focused on c++ and SDL2
If you want to make an actual game then just choose a engine and find some tutorial for using it
Unity, Godot, Unreal or any other work just fine for almost all games a beginner makes
retard, why would you go back to optimize some shit that not only takes 10ish assembler instructions and is only ran once. surely you have better ways to spend your time optimizing
define the score ranges in constants so you don't have to find and change it in code when it becomes balancing time
how would you simplify this? Switch statements? All the checks in it's own function and then just call the function?
More inventory menu stuff tonight, there's now a cursor that hovers over your selected item in menus because Unity's default for that wasn't very great. Gotta iron out some kinks in it though before moving on to other stuff.
People who play games are the last people who should be making them.
its more of a matter of staying organized. huge strings of else ifs look ugly compared to a switch statement clearly laying out the possible ranges. also with that line of logic it would make sense for the else statement to return "INVALID SCORE" instead of returning A again
if you're doing completely 2d sprite game, it's pointless to render anything beyond tick rate of game logic right? then you could use extra time to do other shit, even though i wouldn't know what that other shit might be yet
also, is there some super easy to understand audio library (c/c++) that you can statically link
This would be a start
Goddamn I've been waiting for this thread all day for an excuse to shill. To answer your question, it's done and released today.
I don't know how to do shit and I'm too afraid to ask and expose my ignorance and also I'd probably wouldn't be able to do anything with the answer anyway
This is not much less retarded
the whole setup is retarded but i figured i would just purely focus on fixing syntax. his whole system seems bloated and unorganized but i cant really blame him considering hes just a hobbyist
I want my fucking retarded boomer family to stop telling me to just make video games for a living because that's the only thing I like and I'm so smart so I'm gonna be a millionaire I should just make the best game ever
I'm going to stop visiting them
Good luck, user! I hope you get lots of sells and good reviews.
looks cool, wishlisted and will prolly pick up at some point when im not about to go to bed
turn this.Witnessed into an array and then loop over it
Same dude
I live away from my parents so I usually see them only during summer and that's when we usually have long talks and talk about college and shit
And since I'm passionate about developing, I casually showed her the few C# and Java college projects that I've made. She was impressed even though I'm pretty sure she doesn't understand 90% of what the app does. So she starts keep telling me to make a videogame and make a living off of it part-time kek. I really want to since I wanna get into game dev as soon as I get my Masters degree but I'm just a lazy pos and having studies to take care of doesn't help either.
I love you mom