Games only you played

>games only you played

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I did play this but the cd was scratched so I couldn't get far

Hello fellow Giga boots listeners

It was a DVD

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Whatever, same diff

I played the shit outta this game

This game was basically the mario kart of ps2 when it came out. Everyone I knew played it at least once.

>try to replay via emulation
>can't properly play because analog buttons don't exist anymore

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do you really think you're special for playing kingdam hearts?

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Also this:

I hear people mention that game at least once a year.
Aint no one ever mention this game though.

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so fucking good.

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Everyone played this game because Square shilled the shit out of it and there was nothing else to play on the PS2 at the time. It was one of my first lessons in not believing marketing bullshit. It was utter trash.

These two games in particular were so difficult for me to play when I was younger. Never owned a ps2 but my friend did, so we'd play The Bouncer whenever I was round his, and Future Cop L.A.P.D I only ever had the demo disc of, it was near impossible to find a copy of the game here. One of the best things about becoming an adult was being able to finally buy these games and play them properly for myself.

I played the crap out of that game.

I thought Duragon was a cool villain when I was that age, and got a huge kick out of the four-person brawler multiplayer.

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My brother and I rented this game years ago because we thought it was gonna be a bunch of fun games all slapped together. It wasn't.
I never heard ANYONE mention this game or heard they played it until James and Mike did commentary on it.


Whoops. Pic related

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This shit was hyped to hell and back, second only to Final Fantasy itself, tons of people played it.


No, its a different difference.

>just some C-list Disney characters on the cover
>no Mickey or anyone else
How do you fuck this up.

>be me
>5 years old
>older brother played the shit out of the bouncer and 100%'d it
>he would let me play his save file and mess around in versus mode since he had the full roster
>for some reason whenever you started up the game it would default to a barebones save with nothing unlocked and you had to load your save from the main menu
>too young and dumb to know the difference between save and load but knew which one loaded by how far it was down the menu
>one day go to load brothers save
>it overwrites his 100%'d save with a new game save
>run to my brother, scared, and tell him his save is gone and replaced with a new one
>looks at me with an utter look of disappointment but tell me its okay
>20 years later I still feel the guilt

fuck the bouncer

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at the time, i thought sora from KH was Sion. i was convinced the names were different because of translation differences.

still waiting for the remake

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Dude i absolutely fucking loved this game wow

Even now, I still don't know what the hell I played. Didn't get far in it either.

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that's a good big brother. If I was him, I would beat the hell out of you.

I loved making little smear stains of blood with my bro, and also the versus co-op

This. I’m replaying this now and I forgot how absolutely shitty the controls are.

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Takes some rigging with a program or two and you need to have a PS3 controller, but it can be done.

This was mentioned 5 times in every fucking magazine every month.
I feel like some people ITT only think they're a game's sole player because they played it recently.

It shocks me how few people played this one. It was a real treat.

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This was a weird ass game. I never ended up beating it either.

Rented this once, but it was co-op and my dad couldn't play with me that week so it was a wasted rental. Wait, From Software made this?
I actually knew about this one, but I only found it because of my minor obsession with Universal Studios' Back to the Future ride at the time.

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I felt the same way after I erased my brothers Majoras mask save.
I don't know how far he got but man he was pissed off.

Lesbians, the game.

What the fuck is up with that dude’s cuck collar?

One of my favorite Dreamcast games. Gonna try to find all the hidden illustrations one of these days.

I played it too. Yeah, never finished it. Probably the weirdest game I ever played.

loved that game. wish it would come back.

At least you felt bad and didn't mean to do it. My little brother would constantly delete the saves for my games any time he got on my consoles. I beat Kingdom Hearts 2 dozens of times because of that fucking retard.