Post dem Minecraft houses
Post dem Minecraft houses
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Is this reference to the parody were Steve rapes a creeper?
I wish I could play minecraft without any knowledge of the game again
well, here you are
Come back when you got da green top
oh no no no
>no green top
nvm move along
I made a house by connecting two mountains to each other. Gonna probably expand it at some point and make it touch the ground. Or go higher maybe.
everytime i play minecraft, i just make a house in a mountain side by carving into the mountain. dont know why, no creativity probably
i rather dig a hole in the ground so i can get machines set up
>he got the brown top
Anyone remember using the seed "desert" for a nearly perfect forest valley? I'm sure it generates something else now but I made so many different worlds with that seed years ago
i posted a chain of my builds in
You guise like my church?
underground bunker. not much detail but it's comfy. fountain leads up to an ocean fountain is centered on -1337, -1337
Graveyard nice, don't see that everyday.
No, but I remember trying to survive underground in the 404 seed
Wait, is this RE4 church or just me being retarded?
Anyway nice church user
a grass bed too? based
You're not being retarded, I wasted hours trying to make it as authentic as possible.
Why is it so bright that the glow from the Glowstone and Lava is pretty much negligible?
> Shaders
> Concrete
Okay then.
Impressive. Very nice.
Swap the stripped acaccia for dark prismarine. Good use of color theory though.
Very nice.
Underground always feels very constricting to me but if you like it you like it.
> Greentop
Chad Thundercock VP of the based department.
What are the most comfy biomes and landscapes for houses?
My favorite is jungles and mushroom islands. Normally I'll only run jungles if I plan to hollow out mountains and hills because their generation is pretty nice without help.
Mushroom islands require a shitload of work but not having to worry about mobs means you can do some cool stuff with darkness that would otherwise get akbard by creepers or nigd by endernigs.
God I can't wait for the caves and cliffs update so that mountains will actually be mountains instead of hills
I can't wait for it all to be downgraded