Do you agree this game is overrated?

Never played it on Wii because I didn’t like motion controls. Been playing it on Switch and:
>shitty controls
>terrible camera
>unnecessary motion controls
>the levels where you have to play upside down make me nauseous
>everything is too linear for a 3D Mario game

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I’m not enjoying it. Some of the levels give me a headache. Not really a fan for that reason alone.

This is objectively the best 3D Mario game and if you’ve been playing the 3D collection you’d have to agree. It has the best controls by far and good controls are the only thing a Mario game needs.

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The controls were fine on the Wii, and they're fine when you use the detached Joycons. Camera is worse on the Switch port for some reason, but I thought it was the best out of the trilogy.
>>everything is too linear for a 3D Mario game
Linearity isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Attached: plush.png (128x128, 21.44K)

>it can't be linear because I said so
>durrr i get nauseous
Goddamn you're stupid.

This is the real filter, not Sunshine.

The Wii motion controls are so minimal and accurate for this game. I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about them.

Also you and need to work on your autism.

In what world though? The shitty camera and controls don't make it any harder while the finicky parts of Sunshine are legitimate zoomer filters.


It's massively overrated. It was a huge disappointment for me at release. I kept waiting for it to get better and it never did. I did get all the stars though, and certain things (the menu, the music, the observatory) are definitely very nostalgic.

The thing that did get me was how good it looked. Probably the last time Nintendo ever released a visually impressive (for the time) game.

Mario Odyssey is the best 3D Mario.

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>Linearity isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Obviously, but compared to previous 3D Mario titles, the linearity stands out. It's ok if you like it, but I think it's a legitimate criticism.

Playing it now and even though I just finished the game for the first time earlier this year on Wii U, I'm liking it more on Switch. Especially because I've gotten to play both 64 and Sunshine prior.
>Get to use an actual controller this time so it feels fresh
>More familiar with the game so I can breeze through it more easily
>The workarounds for the pointer and gyro are neat and work well
>Level design is tight and Mario for the most part controls well
My only issues with the game when I first played it were the gravity gimmicks being kind of wonky at times when it comes to controlling Mario on spherical surfaces, Mario can't pull off a lot of the crazy shit he can in 64/Sunshine/Odyssey due to his moveset just being more limited, and it really sucks that the camera regressed back to 64's segmented style rather than freely scrolling, but aside from that I'm enjoying it. It's a nice return to form after Sunshine's more linear and gated structure and offers a ton of stage variety, even the gimmicks are very polished for the most part. It's a real fucking shame Nintendo didn't include Galaxy 2 in the collection because I know damn well it won't feel as good when I finally play that game for the first time since I'll be going back to a Wii remote and Nunchuk.

Like said, the controls were fine tuned for the Wii, obviously there were gonna be some things that would get lost in translation compared to a game like 3D World or Odyssey which were made with a regular controller in mind. I haven't played All Stars but I found moving mario as intuitive as it could be on a nunchuck, it is floaty but adding mario 64 weight was likely gonna be inconvenient for precise platforming with how you hold the controller.

An example of this is one of the 100 coin stars with autoscrolling, in the nunchuck you have the notches around the stick which make going left in a 2.5D part easy and you won't miss any coins but switch doesn't has this so you might make be at a different angle and miss coins, killing yourself in the process. There's a reason 3D World allowed you to use a d-pad since it's pretty much the same formula level-design wise but made for normal controls.

despite all that it's STILL a great game. Jus not remotely as good as Sunshine or Galaxy
I still like Sunshine better because despite more imperfect and sometimes frustrating, it actually challenges the player and doesn't assume you're braindead. Odyssey is much better than Galaxy but it's still a little too easy

Odyssey is for babies
Sunshine is also for babies but in a different way, while the levels are harder the water pack makes it so you don't actually need to try

That being said most all 3d Mario Games are easy, I'd say 64 is the hardest but mostly due to the absolutely shit camera, 2D mario games are on average harder than 3d games

This. Never understood the whole ‘odyssey is too easy’ complaint when none of the 3D Mario games are particularly hard.

yeah Mario moves too slow, motion controls suck. I actually hate the art-style it was too dark. Sunshine was better looking and funner game

galaxy and odyssey are much easier than Sunshine and 64
>the water pack
but it has lots of levels where the FLUDD is taken away from you


yeah, all of galaxies levels have the flood taken away from you

ALL 3d platformers have shit controls and bad camera. ALL OF THEM. Fucking game developers forced that shit onto the world because they wanted nugamers who didn't care about actual game quality to play their games and had to make them pretty and 3d because no nugamer wants to play a good, 2d platformer.
This is one of the many reason gaming died in the mid/late 90s. Mario 64 among other titles killed it.

Gaming didn’t die. It’s more profitable now than any other medium on the planet. Cope and seethe.
>muh 2D platformers
Never went anywhere.

Just don't play them then? I could understand your anger if 2d platformers got fully replaced, but they are still as abundant as ever.

All the good 2D shit during 6th gen moved to handhelds

Another mario hate thread... Quit wasting threads and ur time kid. It's not overrated.

The game is fucked. I like the aesthetics. I like the music.

However, the movement is fucking awful. The collection really forces you to acknowledge when comparing between them that the Galaxy series has the worst responsiveness in terms of movement. Why in the fuck is making a somersault in Galaxy so difficult to the ease of 64 and Sunshine?

>Camera is worse
Explain, Ive been feeling the same

>only notices aesthetics
This is the kind of brainlet who doesn't like Galaxy.

"It's different" isn't a legitimate criticism.

A game not following the conventions of previous titles in the franchise to the degree that fans expect and desire is absolutely a valid criticism, in my opinion. Again, you can disagree.

No it's not. The fans being entitled to a certain playstyle doesn't make a legitimate criticism. It's different is never a good criticism. It would be if the game advertised itself as something it wasn't, which it never did.

Seethe tranny

Being a 3D Mario game is essentially the same as advertising it as being similar to the past 3D Mario titles, such that a rational person would expect a certain playstyle. Perhaps if it was specifically advertised as being a spin-off of a different genre, like that shit with the rabbits, the gameplay being different could be excused.

Lmao that was quick. Sad!

It is similar to past 3D titles in some ways and different in others. Being advertised as a 3D Mario game doesn't preclude it from being different in at least some ways even if it retains some elements. That's the real rational way to look at it.

I remember loving it it as a kid, but there was a part of me that wished it was a bit more open-ended like the previous two games. I need to replay the game, but I'd assume the controls are much worse in the 3d collection.

Nah it was a big improvement over the shitshow that has been Sunshine

No way, the open ended levels in Galaxy don't work with Mario's moveset. The linear gauntlets are the best, especially the ones with new gameplay elements.

You're correct, but what fans of the franchise expect is different depending on who you ask, in regards to what people want to be the same and what people want to be different. Some people preferred how the earlier titles were less linear, and thus want the newer titles to be like that, too. Therefore it's a legitimate criticism, in my opinion. Like I said, you can disagree, but I can understand why people would feel that way.
I think we may have different definitions of "legitimate criticism".