China is actually good at making video games.
China is actually good at making video games
Other urls found in this thread:
>actually playing chink spyware
i've yet to see any
what's up with the racist term out of nowhere asshole?
It only happens in GI threads
I changed my mind about China after playing this. They can make good games if they try. I look forward to more from them.
Better than american at least
never ever
>It only happens in GI threads
good one
>find annoying fat manchild
>he wants to play hide and seek
>constantly reminds you of his parents
>shit at hiding also too fat to hide
>only get 2 exp books
>what a waste of time
>find his parents graves
mfw they killed themselves because this fat retard kept annoying them with hide and seek
nice selfie chang, don't see what that has to do with the subject at hand though.
the iceberg begins
Nice deflection
I'm confused OP, you make a thread about China making good games, but you chose an image of a soullless BotW clone with a rootkit, gatcha mobage design, awful combat and animations that look like they were made by a self-taught 12 year old.
What Chinese game is good, exactly?
Chinese are similar to japanese and korean, I don't know why you'd think they'd be different.
When are they going to add girls with big fucking tits to the game? And I don't mean those hags already in it, those are small time.
post one then
Shut up subhuman insect
>2/5 rating
embarrassing, i guess all the astroturfing in the world wont make it a good game
>One (1) good game
>Every single thing in it is copied, including character animations
OP’s definition of a good game
>generic waifu garbage
>designed to take advantage over lonely 30 year old virgins
You're on Zig Forums dipshit
how big?
provide examples if possible
Only GI threads get people to sperg out due to mass shilling
Is that your example? Genshin impact?
yeah nah, happens in all these low effort shill threads, mostly mobile gacha garbage
>ask for a general guideline of speeding up leveling adventure rank
>ignored in favor of coomposting and whiteknighting
>call the game derivative, boring trite
>15 (You)s from the CCP-backed Genshin Impact Defense Force
I'm convinced all posts related to this "game", whether positive or negative, are made by either bots or chinese click dungeon slaves