>/v is tsundere for dark skin vidya
/v is tsundere for dark skin vidya
I wish Zig Forums was tsundere for video games and actually discussed them.
I like brown and I hate black
how do i get dark skin gamer gf Zig Forums
Nah, everyone likes brown anime girls
actual sheboons are just ugly is all
Subtract anime and you'd be correct.
12 years ago this place had daily DELICIOUS BROWN threads. better days
I don't want to be horny anymore. I just want to be happy.
I need more of this meme. Someone please post more of them.
As better as times past were, we cannot bring them back. We can lament and hope to bring back time, but that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
What that, I'll post my favorite recent brown vidya girl.
I got a few though.
>dark skin
no nigger
>light sink/delicious brown
yes my negro
It's okay when Japan does it.
You're not wrong.
>Another white incel thread
Can girls get BLACKED by other girls?
Who cares. Raceplay is a shit fetish.
That kid's probably trying to figure out why a black person is trying to tan.
>he soon developed a fetish for dark-skinned girls
he's gonna BLEACH them, I tell ya
sorry, wrong pic
thats not raceplay, raceplay is calling them nigger while fucking. Raceplay also is super shit tier its awful
The fuck do you mean "tsundere," I'm adamant about my desire to lick the sweat off of a cute brown anime tomboy's abs
based kid
Dark skin is only good in fantasy of if you're already dark skin yourself.
Raceplay is any kind of tribalistic race fetishism. Be it bleached, blacked, rice'd burrito'd whatever-the-fuck'd
I feel kinda bad for any blacks with small dicks. Must be more awful than just normally having a small dick.