You literally cannot say this is shit without sounding like a seething contrarian that deliberately ignores key plot points to make their arguments work
Prove me wrong you can't
You literally cannot say this is shit without sounding like a seething contrarian that deliberately ignores key plot points to make their arguments work
Prove me wrong you can't
You can tell who thought it was shit depending on how much they inserted themselves as Joel in the first game
*Wrong pick
But my favorite twitch streamer says it sucks and he plays the games for me
>You literally cannot say this is shit without sounding like a seething contrarian
I thought it was great. Don't understand how people thought they were 'disrespecting' Joel. The dude's treated as an almost angelic figure, lmao.
Storyshit shouldn't be in Zig Forums.
That you people have mental breakdowns when people say your game isn't perfect or has some big faults tells more about you than the one criticizing it.
I self-inserted as Joel in the first game.
But I didn't hate the second game.
>wE mUsT BrEaK tHe CyCle oF vioLenCe
>oh btw here's a billion different ways to craft shit to kill people and it's the only way to progress through the game you can't knock them out or anything
"in the last of us I was Joel, in left behind I was Ellie. In the last of us 2 I was disappointed."
legit forgot this game existed
I know you are baiting but to anyone who might even slightly care its just worse LIA the painful so play that instead.
I didn't play the first game and have no attachment to Joel. TLOU2 looks like shit.
The game's about Ellie, not about you.
The gameplay and graphics is amazing. My only complain is just the brain dead story telling.
I dont really care if Joel was killed off but the way the whole story is written make the Star Wars The Last Jedi story writing looks good in comparison. The story just threw out any form of common sense. Like Why the fuck didnt Abby just killed Ellie and Tommy after murdering Joel?
Dont you know that leaving witnesses alive will come back and bite them in the ass.
The story could have been written better
Okay there i go
The Last Of Us actually has a genuinely nice and amazing and original message behind the conclusion of the story : The desire to forgive someone, but being unable to forgive them because they slipped out of your reach. Like a friend where both you and him get angry with eachother, but before you fix things, you lose contact with him. Or, in a harsher scenario, someone that passes away.
Unfortunately, that message is buried after an extremely long story that is generic, mostly unoriginal covering extremely unoriginal topics such as revenge, and overall unsatisfying character writing.
The gameplay can be genuinely fun, but it's not any innovative at all, and the AI is far below the current standards, despite calling out for friendlies' names being a nice touch. They're still too brain damaged to feel human though. The fact about half the gameplay is walking while opening drawers and picking up materials and at times going after some dumb code on a wall is, needless to say, pretty damn boring. The only innovative concept i saw in the gameplay was the rope, but it was very underused.
You can make a gameplay system without any particulary innovative concepts or mechanics that still turns out to feel quite unique, like in Hollow Knight for example, but TLOU2 doesn't really accomplish that. The gameplay is okay but nothing notable and the story is subpar, and as such there is little reason to buy this game over another unless you were a big fan of TLOU1. If so, by all means its worth a buy, but it doesnt get anywhere close to the bar TLOU1 has set.
...Additionally, Dina is a retarded annoying ass character and it absolutely ruins any possibility of any fucking immersion whatsoever in Seattle day 1.
Cuckmann tried to tackle the gator under the bed and got torn to shreds.
Ellie and Tommy did nothing wrong - Abby had no interest in murdering randoms indiscriminately.
Are you implying Ellie is too stupid to know how to knock people out? Admittedly given how she's somehow dumber as a young adult than as a teen this is quite possible but it's still an awful justification.
I'm guessing she knows how to knock people out - but she's not really interested in showing anyone mercy throughout most of the game, so that's largely immaterial.
>self-inserting fags
lol good.
Oh right, forgot this came out.
Everyone holds the retard ball at some point in the game, characters teleport in order to get to points where you are, Lev identifies as a man for no fucking reason considering her sister is a warrior so their retard society doesn't even assign gender roles 100%, Abby is laughably out of character during Joel's scene, the farm Elie finds herself on is laughably idealistic considering how grim they attempted to make society otherwise, bigot sandwich is a retarded phrase, nobody would get super upset over the word dyke at the end times, the world ended in 2013,before a lot of woke politics so there being a trans pride flag, and the incredible acceptance of Ellie's sexual identity seems contrived, abby's better levels are fucking severely hampered by her god awful walking segments, the infected basically are just used as a plot escape tool and got way less interesting compared to the first game where a clicker was a death sentence.
Oh and that pregnant bitch doing parkour and only hiding her stomach in Ellie's segment so the character can feel bad about killing the world's most retarded mother.
Your shit sucks Neil, don't even try to bullshit us brother
On the contrary she has good reason to because she's heading into enemy territory with zero military backup (Dina and Jessie don't count) and thus there is already an in-game reason to stealth past or knock out people. If Cuckmann actually gave a shit he could have created a branching storyline based on how far you went as Ellie on a revenge-spree and even give you the option to either kill or spare Abbie at the end. It could have actually been a good game that made you question yourself but nope Cuckmann doesn't allow you to do anything because he thinks it's a movie instead of a fucking videogame.
The game is shit and sold like shit. Literally forcing naughty dog to release another game in the same year for the first in over a decade and a half to recuperate financial losses. Move on its a dead franchise.
>gender roles arent 100% assigned because theres a woman as a warrior
0iq argument
She had no problem with her dad murdering Ellie before, though
>Lev is a tranny because she doesn't want to be a wife, but ignore her fucking sister doing just that, i-it doesn't count
Are you ok, retard?
>the pregnant warrior mum
People who see this shit and think "damn, what a gritty world full of honest, realistic characters" are fucking kidding themselves
Because he was her father, and the two were convinced they were going to save the world by killing Ellie. Are you retarded?
>Games characters are inconsistent with the first game
>you ignore the plot points
Sure thing faggot
Can you please stop reanimating this corpse? A thread died for this