Game has pirates

>game has pirates

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Ina is a miracle of the universe!

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Thread theme:

She has a bit butt confirmed.


>game has nothing to do with VIDYAGAEMS

>Game has sharks

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are vtuber fans the new age bronies?

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Marine showing Aqua a lewd doujin

how do the japs feel about english hololives?

They're worse. They actually unironically believe they're justified in their autism.

Nyah, vtubers are just anime ecelebs and ethots.

They’re desperately trying to learn English so they can enjoy shark kino to the fullest

They actually like them.

Yes. Weebs have gone full circle and now simp for the 3DPD they claimed to hate so much just because said 3D pretends to be an anime girl.

Despite obsessing over these people and giving them their autismbux like other losers do for twitch thots, they think they aren't as bad.

And as we see daily these faggots need to shoehorn their faggy shit into everything for attention.

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>its a trap doujin

>reddit spacing

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How are my fellow vtuber Kings doing tonight?

Besides winning ofc

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>How are my fellow vtuber Kings doing tonight?

>Besides winning ofc

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>reddit spacing

Vtuber target audience isn't schoolgirls though. They 99% know who they're catering to.

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How much have you all donated to your favorite vtuber's condom fund? $500 here.

>Holosimps are election tourists that actually believe shitty memes and think they belong
It makes sense, but yikes.

Japan loves HoloEN more than English speakers


This but less and unironcally
We winning

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Entry level secondaries.

>it must be about the eleckshyun
Mutts... when will they learn.

explains why their fans are so fucking annoying

The only vtuber worth anything right now is Monoe. Plays non-streamer bait games and filters EOPs.

Kinda rude.

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>t. seething weeaboomer

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Don't resist.

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No. It just so happens that vtubers have a wide but shallow reach in various hobbies, including cooking and mecha, which you would sometimes see on their appropriate boards too.

I've been off hololive for about 2 weeks because of the constant drama, have I missed any new shitstorms?

that is surprising (just that the japs care at all)

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>can barely dance
How she managed to pass the audition?

Same here man I’m fucking sick of it. Cover is retarded. All I know is Hololive EN is a fucking trash fire of mistakes and controversy lol

A lot of them got motivated to learn English for them. They saw the JP-practice streams and got happy and it kind-of took off from there. IIRC 3 of the 5 girls are in the top 5 fastest growing YoutubeJP channels.

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