Why did neither Solid nor Liquid Snake ever seem to notice or care that United States President George Sears looked...

Why did neither Solid nor Liquid Snake ever seem to notice or care that United States President George Sears looked JUST like their "father", Big Boss?

Attached: Solid-us.jpg (818x599, 151.22K)

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why would they ?

Why would they? They’re not even fucking muslims.

Every single living being is autistic in the Metal Gear world.

because Kojima is a hack. I can justify Snake's perspective with the timeline, jaded by Zanzibar he fucks off to Alaska to be a neet and doesn't know what's going on in the world, Solidus "resigns" after Shadows Moses so it would make sense

Why would you play a so-called "videogame" that has all this fucking story bullshit in it instead of it just being a fucking movie like it should be?

Because the actual game part of the game is fun.

His left eye was missing, not his right.

>The Boss: Curse the Philosophers, they took my life! I will unite them so they can't do more damage!
>But first, let me take a high chance of getting killed by my protege first preventing me from actually uniting them, because lol?

>Big Boss: I will make a military nation, above revenge... to start cycles of revenge by simply existing, creating an endless conflict where I raise children to fight each other!
>But first, let me take a high chance of getting killed by my protege preventing me from actually doing it, even though I can create as many political decoys I want and I did so years ago.... lol?
I don't get it.

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because we played the game as kids and didn't know any better

Yeah, Solid Snake post-MG2--pre-MGS1 I can go as far as to buy that he is isolated/doesn't give a shit enough to even know who the president is or what he looks like, let alone suspect him of being a Big Boss clone, but Liquid is an active agent of FOXHOUND, he takes orders from the US before he goes rogue at Shadow Moses, and at some point before that he figured out the whole "Les Enfants Terribles" cloning scheme and personally breaks the news to his twin, yet even he never indicates he suspects that a Third Snake exists, much less that that Snake, Solidus, is the American President. Just seems kinda funny.

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I guess it's easy to presume that Liquid knew about Solidus but didn't consider him relevant enough to mention to Snake.

The real reason of course is that Kojima wanted to preserve that as a twist for the stinger. Given how stupid it sounds on paper it's amazing MGS2 managed to make Solidus work as well as it did.

Kojima makes the same game with the same protagonist and antagonist archetype. Protagonist is manipulated and trapped in a cycle of war AND IS NOTHING BUT A COLD HARD KILLER WAR BAD NUKES BAD BLAH BLAH BLAH, and antagonist has some big goal, good or bad, but kills him or herself on purpose before the plan even goes to the climax.

Metal Gear is nothing but garbage written by a hack.

Why kojoomers never notice their idol is a senile gook?

now that I think about it, weirdly enough, one of the few things Kojima was consistent with throughout the entire serie was people behind fucking faceblind
>Raiden obsessed with Snake after Shadow Moses
>Snake face is public after the Tanker incident
>Raiden doesn't recognize him
>Raiden doesn't connect the President's face
>the soldiers don't distinguish Venom from Big Boss
>fucking Liquid impersonating Miller

pretty sure ocelot says something like
>noone knows you're the third clone of big boss
at the end of mgs1

>make an anti-war series
>it just makes war look fucking badass and super fun
Nice try Kojimbo.

>snake works for cia branch
>doesnt even know who the president is
Ok retard.

The bait is on purpose. it's suuuper deeep trust me

>fucking Liquid impersonating Miller
To be fair, he DID wear Miller's sunglasses and a ponytail over audio-only radio conversations, how can you blame Snake for not picking up on the ruse?

Attached: SUNGLASSES.gif (500x375, 318.72K)

>works for the CIA
>fucked off for 5 years with no social contacts
>literally gets pulled out of his house 4 hours before being shot into the mission
go on and be stupid

What I want to know is what happened to Pliskin? He just disappeared from the series after 2.

Attached: J.G. Pliskin.gif (245x270, 1.81M)

it would've been really cool if the dubber could've pulled both the american and the english accents like Christian Bale

I want to trust you but Bee Bee Guns and Hand Beenades are just cool concepts. Especially alongside Mech Battles on frozen wastelands and growing a sweet horn the more war crimes I commit.

Huh? But he does.

You're right:
>It takes a well-balanced individual such as yourself to rule the world. No, sir. No one knows that you were the third one... Solidus.
But it's hard to square this with how much Liquid knows and his general perceptiveness. I guess you could argue he only came to know all that he did after inhabiting Ocelot, but it's still pretty weird.

he literally did

Snake quit Foxhound after Metal Gear 2, and they brought him back into duty for the Shadow Moses mission of MGS1 from the remote wilds of Alaska. I don't think it's outlandish that during that time he completely cut himself off from current geopolitical events. Dude just wanted to drink, smoke, and occasionally dogsled in the company of only his own privacy.

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Don't forget participate in the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics.

People take these games too seriously. I'm not saying the plot is not worth thinking about, but do you realize what a miracle it is that the series makes as much sense as it does? Shit has been going on for like 20 years. It's straight up impossible for the story to remain consistent and without plot holes all the time. The main source of inspiration for the games are action movies from 80s and some animes, it's not some literary masterpiece or peak of writing, it shouldn't be. It's just meant to be fun and cool. There is an interesting commentary and deeper sources of inspiration too, but it seems that people completely forgot what the series is about. You just roll with the nonsensical stuff because the ride is worth it and it makes way for something that is fun. Getting too autistic about it just spoils the fun.

I don't know it still sounded a bit thick to me

Her death was what united them. SHE PLANNED TO DIE

Perhaps Solidus altered his appearance while in office? Been a while since I played MGS 2, but I don't really remember most of the characters going "What! But you were the President!" when seeing him for the first time.



The difference between "Very close by" and "Campbell! You're too late!" is subtle, but skillful. Also, bonus codec I've never seen before while searching for an example:

Part of the problem is that the series gradually disappeared into a needless insularity. The self-references started to crowd out the better parts of the story.

Big Boss largely was known for a very Snake Plissken-esque look, with an eyepatch, long hair, and occasional beard, so staying clean-cut and having two eyes probably greatly helped Solidus blend right in as a Presidential-type.

Attached: Snek_plskin.jpg (360x450, 28.76K)

Based, but I will say that MGR was a step in a better direction for Metal Gear in terms of script quality and believability of its world.

it's very few games thou
he just completely lost it after mgs1
mgs2 was already overblown similar to what happened in mission impossible for example : you got your cool little movie about a list of spies and that's your stakes, to saving the world from nuclear holocaust